I live in the State of Utah, heart of the Public land transfer uproar. I know Utah is spending $14 million to sue the Federal Government for a public land transfer. My question is why does Utah think they should have this public land transferred to them? Is the USFS and BLM really corrupt as people say it is? What is the BLM and USFS doing wrong in Utah's eyes or in Nation's eyes? I am full support of public land and that is where i do all my hunting and fishing. I don't want to see our public access be taken away.
Why? rich people are paying the proponents big money to lobby for it. It will pay large dividends in the future.
Is the USFS and BLM corrupt? Probably. Is any large federal bureaucracy not? As people say? That depends on who's saying it.
What are they doing wrong in Utah's eyes? Everything. But it doens't really matter how much they improve or don't improve. The financial interest of those pushing for transfer will remain, and it will still be pushed for.
Above, the word 'transfer' is synonymous for 'auction'. They have the same meaning in this situation.