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Edit Button...

There is now a time limit for editing. The button disappears when time is up.

Del said that there used to be a time limit, but I know I have edited posts that were months old.
Yes I read that the other day.

But I just made a post and saw I left a letter off a word just as I hit the submit button and there wasn't a Edit button?

This is in the "OTHER" forum.

Yet in the elk forum...the post I made this morning, still has the edit button.
I'll ask the same question. What happened to the edit button? It seems to have disappeared, even from posts I just made seconds ago.
Yup, I had the same problem that FLIPPER had, I had the edit button on one thread, and didn't have it on another
if everyone could list the forums in which the edit button isn't showing, I'll look into this today and fix it for you :)

UPDATE: I changed the time limit for changing the post title to 5 hours... As far as editing the actual post's content, there should be no time limit for your own posts.

Let me know if you have any further problems.. PM me or post here.

Here is the deal with edits in the politics forum, and that is at the strong recommendation of Del, and I agree with it completely.

You are allowed to edit your post for up to six hours. Once that passes, editing is no longer allowed. Here is why.

The political section is usually full of some pretty strong opinions. There is a history of posts make strong statements, getting others pretty riled up, then the person going back and editing the post.

This editing makes some subsequent posts seem out of line as the context has now changed.

Cali - Let me know if you tried to edit after the time had passed.
No, I was not able to edit immediately after typing the post, re-reading it and spotting my error. Right now, my last post in the Clinton topic was 12;24, it is now 4:06 and I cannot edit it either.
same problem, just made a post in CE, forgot to hit spell check before posting and then saw that I type like Moosie and wanted to edit to spell check but it was not an option
We are working on it guys. I will have "bwc" check it out in the morning. Sorry for this headache.

Maybe you guys should learn how to type. :p

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