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Eastern Montana Mule Deer

I get a MT deer license because of the public access, not necessarily the size of the deer. It makes it worth the price of the NR tag in my opinion.
I get a MT deer license because of the public access, not necessarily the size of the deer. It makes it worth the price of the NR tag in my opinion.

I'll agree with u . If anyone ever uses the excuse that ( I couldn't find land to hunt in montana ) then that just means they were lazy n didn't look very hard . The amount of public land and block management land is awesome
I get a MT deer license because of the public access, not necessarily the size of the deer. It makes it worth the price of the NR tag in my opinion.

I agree also, I just thought I would see more bigger deer than I have. I will just keep putting in my time and eventually will find them.
I agree also, I just thought I would see more bigger deer than I have. I will just keep putting in my time and eventually will find them.

Yes you will I've been hunting Montana for 15 years . If u keep going and keep hunting you'll get a big deer eventually
Definitely managed more for opportunity than trophy quality

Yes it is but that's fine by me I like to hunt every fall . Regardless if I get a elk or deer or nothing I still get to hunt Montana and I love every minute
An eastern Montana mule deer who formerly called public land home. Scored 169" gross.

They're there if you look in the right places.

Thought id throw my .02 in here lol .
Last November 7 of us went to SE Montana and 4 of us shot bucks . The youngster with us shot a smaller one but he was even a pretty good size healthy bodied buck . I was happy as a pig in well... you know lol Put meat in the freezer and had the time of my life . I'll definitely go back there some day . Wish I would have brought my shotgun as we saw tons of Grouse as well as hundreds of Antelope.
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