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East Glacier fishing


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
In the Eastern Glacier side of MT on a temp duty assignment... for the next three months. I brought the jon boat and have been playing the tribal and Nat'l Park lakes.
Fishing has been pretty slow as of late though I managed to break my personal East Glacier side pike record. Agree, it is not big by the normal standards though my best thus far in the past TDY's in this area.I've time to update this thread as the fish come in. Least that is the goal... If it will ever stop raining!
I've a picture of a nice rainbow trout though have not loaded that to make available for show, yet.

Here is the pike of size thus far. A few days ago. It was a real good looking pike. No scars, etc. He made me work for him. Was a great fight.


When I have a chance I'll get the trout up. Summit is tieing a few pike flies that I plan to sling out into the abyss.

Watch out for flying snow monsters. Reports of up to 2 feet of snow for the Front and Glacier.
I'd have a hard time paying attention to fish with a view like that.

Keep the pictures coming.
Very nice fish Charles! Wouldn't complain about that duty assignment and location!
Nice fish and pic.

Hopefully I'll end up out your way later this summer so you can show me where all the big fish honey holes are:D
Thanks guys. The rain / snow just stopped least for the time being. It is looking pretty nice again so hope to hit the water maybe tomorrow.
Anyone fished St. Marys Lake in Alberta? About 30 miles from the border? I hear that is a pike / walleye lake. It may be on my "to do" list...
The lakes are extremely high due to the runoff so not sure if the NPS LEO's will whip me for putting in at Sherborne Lake - kind of an iffy boat launch... Maybe give upper St. Mary a shot for lakers or cutty/rainbows. Either way, hope to have a pic or two to add. :) Bad day fishing beats a good day at work.
Travis, sounds like a plan! ;) Not sure I've tightened the noose on any honey holes though mi casa es su casa. Bet this weather has made your job a bit more... exciting. :)
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This is the rainbow mentioned in the first post. Not much to write home as it was a slow day fishing though this was the better of the few caught. Maybe 18" though based on my fisherman tape measure, it was around 24". ;)

And here is the story for TODAY... it was a Doozy!

Nat'l Park inspection - Check.
Boat in water - Check.
... I fought the wind and the wind won..
... I fought the lures and the lures won..
... I fought the water and the water won..

Short story - long ---> Fishing was tough. While lowering the trolling motor into the water, I noticed the tip of one of my poles within the guillotine range of the trolling motor. Was reaching down to adjust the pole when... OOPS! <Balance lost> Guillotine with the weight of 235lbs behind it made sure it was a clean chop!
Meh, gotta chuckle. Life is too short to fizzle over such. No prob - One reason I have two poles.

The lures (No fly fishing today - windy!) played havoc today! Haha! Usually it is approx. once every 15 casts a hook may wrap up on the swivel or the lure itself... this time? The lures won!
Meh, gotta chuckle. Life is too short to fizzle over such. No prob - stuff happens.

Cross the wind whipped Bering Sea to the other side of the lake... Cast a line along the length of the shore though... OOPS! my lure played as a kite in the air and wrapped within a few branches.
Meh, gotta chuckle. Life is too short to fizzle over such. No prob - this comes with fishin'.

Foot pedal the trolling motor to the branch and reach out to break the branch free... hmmm, the wind is pulling the boat away. But the branch...well - the branch broke at just the right time and a glorious belly flop into the glacier fed lake I splashed! Haha! As I splashed, I realized (while my head returned to the surface) my body pushed the boat away and the wind was taking her for a joy ride...
Meh, gotta chuckle --- later. I'm quickly assessing whether to swim to the boat or to the shore wearing two jackets, two shirts, thick pants and my hiking boots... Boat was catching the wind and my push off didn't really help matters... Well, I went for the boat. I believe the cold water began playing a bit of havoc on my nerve issue from the past accident though it was not too long before I reached the boat.
Meh, gotta chuckle. Life is too short to fizzle over such. No prob - so I am wet.

My leg muscles became real tight - I came to find thisd out when they did not move as i expected them to move and... OOPS! I tripped and hit the paddle the cracked down on the pole with the broke fishing line... well, my second pole met the same fate as my first... CRACK!
Meh, gotta chuckle. Life is too short to fizzle over such. No prob... Just one of those days... BUT I'LL BE DAMNED IF THAT LURE DIDN'T COME BACK WITH ME! hahaha!!!!


I drove home below the speed limit... I checked and double checked the tiedowns for the bat and trailer... I literally counted the minutes driving without another challenge tossed my way. Now that I am here... typing this post, I've had a chance to count my lives. That water was a doozy!

LESSON: Crap happens. No sense letting crap dictate the remainder of the day. Need days like this to really understand what a good day is about.

Keep on smiling... the day does not pause while you frown... Life really is too short!
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