Earth's inability to sustain life comes soon!

"GENEVA - Humanity's reliance on fossil fuels, the spread of cities, the destruction of natural habitats for farmland and over-exploitation of the oceans are destroying Earth's ability to sustain life, the environmental group WWF warned in a new report Thursday........."
Then we will all die. Time marches on. During this time we are covered by soil and silt and eventually our remains turn into oil.

Life is born and flourishes in some other form.

Inteligent life rises again invents the internal combustion engine and then prospers.

Some time after the internal combustion engine is developed a new evolution in the intelligent life takes form. They are know as "The sky is falling liberals and enviro nutjobs"

Some time after the evolution of nutjob wacko enviro libs they do a study and conclude....

"GENEVA - Humanity's reliance on fossil fuels, the spread of cities, the destruction of natural habitats for farmland and over-exploitation of the oceans are destroying Earth's ability to sustain life, the environmental group WWF warned in a new report Thursday........."
Then we will all die. Time marches on.
I think I've herd this story before, wasn't it called "Chicken Little" ?
The sky is falling, the sky is falling !!!!
I'm going to bed now.
If the earth explodes tonight and I'm about to miss it, will one of you wake me up so I can watch the fireworks.
Since you guys seem to think it's inevitable, should we destroy the Earth as fast as possible and have some fun while we're doing it?
Sounds good to me. Lets have a chainsaw festival in Idaho, a four wheeler derby in Idaho and maybe drill some holes in the ground with some oil rigs in Idaho. It would also be a hoot if we could get the Baja 1000 moved to Idaho. Lets call it the Dam Breachers 1000. :D :D

Maybe we should unleash fluff on Idaho

I'll tell you one good way to start, quit giving people a tax credit for having kids and start GIVING married couples who have no kids a tax break....
one good way to start, quit giving people a tax credit for having kids and start GIVING married couples who have no kids a tax break
Buzz- I don't know if you have kids or not...I have three and can tell you that the tax laws (current or past) were the last thing on MY mind when they were conceived!

All this kind of reminds me of the movie I just (nearly had to be forced to) watched last night-
"The Day After Tomorrow" .... another rendition of Al Bore's The World is Coming to an End! . Yeah mankind is having a definate impact, albeit a bad one, but life isn't going to change for the good or bad overnight the way these end of the earther's like to spout.

Gotta smell the coffee along the way- life's too short remember?
Hey MarvB i just saw that same was good until...Quaid went after his son?...Why? that was bad..very weak.. I did like the "special effects"... sure were alot of F/9/11`s Mike Morons film in stock .

I dont have kids, but even if I did I wouldnt expect a tax break for having little resource gobblers.

I honestly feel that married couples who dont have kids and thusly save resources, should be rewarded for their decision.

Instead, because of political crap, our society has made the decision to reward having kids.

For the record, I dont think most people have kids for the tax break, but I also feel like if you want to have them, you pay for them.

Enough of my taxes go to pay for public schools, etc. without having to pay more for your tax break.

Fiscal responsibility is something most Americans have forgotten about....
The last time I saw so many "Sky is falling" replies was a few years ago when I warned the board about CWD and the problems that were developing with ATVs! :D :D I was accused of crying, "The sky is falling" then, too. :D Now the same guys are claiming they always knew CWD and ATVs would be a problem someday.
Ithaca, if you read the post's with an open mind you might come away with something more then an inflated ego LOL.
No one is saying there are no problems.
But when all we read is the same "The sky is falling" and everyone is stupid except me type of post it's very hard to take you serious.
Balance and truth ,not inflated horror story's about how everyone else is screwed up & stupid .

Maybe just what the doctor ordered is that a few posters need to stuff there ego and inflated view of thereself and spend some time with kid's.
Try to view the glass as half full not half empty.
Ithaca- My slant on the "sky is falling" was a remark made about the lame movie (sorry cjcj I think that even the "special effects" weren't too special…especially the "instant freezing crap"). I agree that we've got some serious problems here and world wide to boot but they aren't gonna be solved overnight or by one man (President or not...) or organization.

The right wing, IMHO, is too far to the right and the left too far to the left--we're gonna pull the proverbial chicken apart at this point. Unlike many on the board, I think that both extremes have to compromise for us to get anywhere. Fanaticism isn't gonna do either group much good :(

Not to beat my drum but I've seen A LOT OF BOTH SIDES in my 45 years-
My father was a logger who encouraged me to do something different with my life and my degrees are in Forestry Resource Mgt. (specializing in Silviculture) with minors in Fisheries and Natural Resources Recreation. After stints with the USFS and BLM I became a private contractor to both. Now I work in the energy (electricity and natural gas) sector for a municipal utility. Again in short, I've seen a lot of good and probably an equal amount of bad over the years and neither generally responded to a pissing match between the parties. I don’t think you have to give up your morals or your values to just take a look at the other side of the equation. Generally ALL parties have at least something to bring to the table!

Oh well, sorry for the long ramble its just that I keep seeing the “I’m right and the rest of you stupid bastadges are idiots!” theme in the SI section when I think there is a lot of good valid information and concerns to be shared!

Buzz- I actually agree with you but I think there is a difference between "getting" and "expecting". I don’t “expect” anyone to raise/spend $$ on my girls and since my family is the greatest joy in my life I’d gladly pay double just to have my little “resource gobblers!”

I also agree that most deductions of all types are just political ploys of dangling the carrots just for the vote. That being said, I would support a flat tax system in the U.S. but that isn’t going to happen any time soon.

Regarding deductions I do take what I’m currently legally and ethically entitled to (as I imagine most on this board does) and that included filing joint (claiming my wife) even before we had kids. You must file single as to not take the given deduction for your spouse, as is your fiscal prerogative, as I’m sure you wouldn’t want some poor single guy to have to pay for your tax break.
Sorry, I'm done compromising on the important issues. Here's a good example: We've cut 95% of the old growth timber in the US. Some people think we should "compromise" and cut more of it. Ya gotta draw the line somewhere and when you're right all you do is lose when you compromise. So I've become a hard liner.

Some of us here get ridiculed when we bring up issues that are not well known yet. Funny thing is; we've been here long enough, now, to have been proven right by time. CWD and ATVs are just a couple examples.
How do you propose we control population increase? In 2025 we begin a cycle that will see the population of the world double ever 25 to 30 years. Got a solution?


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