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Duplicate post- let this one die

Her mom made a post about how proud she was of her and that the huskies bit of her sons ear or something and that she is glad her daughter shot one, and also that she will go shoot the rest of them.

I don't think this means she is in the woods as we speak looking for huskys to kill. She is just responding, like an idiot, to all the people who are responding negatively to her daughters post. While at the same time digging her daughter an even larger hole to lay down in haha
Have a nice evening. mtmuley
Sounds like this rotten apple fell off a dead tree. Mom probably has lots of tattoos and body hair. "You know you might be white trash redneck when your kid brings home puppy pelts."
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So let's say that it was actually a feral it wrong to shoot it or wrong to post pics on social media after shooting it? What if it was a ditch tiger? I do enjoy a good ditch tiger safari

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