Ducks and Geese

I have a old maybe 20 years wooden olt call that I use. I have used a varmit call in a pinch and I have used a duck call for varmits..

I have a old maybe 20 years wooden olt call that I use. I have used a varmit call in a pinch and I have used a duck call for varmits..

I have had mine (the Reacher Model I think but I will check tonight when I get home) for around 15 years now and have only replaced the reeds twice. It had plenty of volume, but you could still make soft sounds with it when the birds get call shy in late season. They aren't as loud as some of the single reed Halloween horns, but I think too many people use way too much volume to start with. Mine is the plastic model, I never could get my wooden ones to sound anywhere as good (to me that is) as the plastic one. The only problem I had with mine was that having a plastic body, moisture condensation and reed freeze up was bad if you did not keep it tucked inside your coat. This wasn't enough of a problem to make me switch though. I like mine and all the people I hunted with bought them and started leaving their Olts, Yentzens, and Mallardtones at home (not that there is anything wrong with them if you like them). Until you posted, I didn't even know they were still being made. Let me know if you get one and how you like it, I need to order another one and some reeds in case of an emergency.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 17 July 2001 07:57: Message edited by: Fatman ]</font>