PEAX Equipment

DS's Ram

That's awesome, DS! Beautiful ram. Did you have to strap yourself in to keep from rolling down the mountain in your sleep? ;)
Great pics and congrats on the ram...Very nice boy!!!!The sleeping accomidations look as if they really sucked though....I've had to camp in that type of terrain on occasion and dug out a place for the tents to sit a little flatter...I don't know if that would have been feasable in your situation though...We piled the dirt on the sides so it wasn't so hard to put it all back.... :D looked like grass and dirt where we would camp..but two inches down then solid digging without heavy equipment, which we were short on. indeed was God's country, and I do appreciate him letting me use it a while to harvest one of his most majestic creatures!

Darren, pretty much......the terrain was tricky at best......for instance.....I shot my sheep on top but picked him up at that far river at the bottom a mile away.....and if we weren't careful it could easily have been us rolling to the bottom in some places.

Deb......he is being mounted now....I had no plans to mount him, but after that hunt, and all I went through to get him, no way could I not do him the honors.

Kiwi......Thar sounds like my kinda place!

Moosie...I promise I have some great Hunttalk Hat will take a couple more weeks tp get them because they are on my brothers camera......the ram and me both wearing one sharing a bottle of Crown Royal as a toast..Man!, that Ram can hold his liquor!! :eek:

Dan, sometimes when a ram and a man get together to have a Crown and Coke.....things can get ugly, and yes, I might have taken out my frustrations on that "horny" devil and punched him in the nose......but just know he deserved it! :mad: more thing......I can honestly see how a fella could put in for 30 years and still pug it on one of the animals......because unless you are willing to bust your ass to the limit as long as it takes, and then get a lot of luck to go with may find yourself just another tired wore out hunter holding a sheep tag....


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-17-2002 08:39: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
Yes I did get the "quiver shots"....but Walmart wouldn't process them! :mad:

That ram is a Wrangells ram.

And believe it or not...that spot where our spike camp is in the pic above was the flatest spot anywhere around! :eek:
Great Ram DS, you should be proud !
About that bloody nose, did you really punch him out before you shot him ?
No blue tags Nut!LOLOLOL!.....and it sure was nice being able to look for the biggest one I could find knowing it wasn't going to cost me extra! :eek:
Very nice sheep. I like the flared rams best. Congrats, someday I hope to get up north and chase Dall and/or Stone.

T Bone

You done good bro! I would LOVE to hunt a Dall someday but judging from your story I am not sure if I am tough enough. Maybe I should go now before I get too old. Beautiful trophy!

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