Kenetrek Boots

Drought for the west

The sky finally cleared today in Sask, no smoke in sight which is a first in over a month. It's our forst "cool" day in weeks. Still dry as hell though. Took this picture a few days ago of a cow moose and her calves on my neighbours lawn enjoying the cool sprinkler water, they stayed there for over 5 hours...


That picture clearly represents the drought we're going through here, green grass Vs yellow dead grass. I've never seen this little water around and temps are stupid high.
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This is the fire just down the road from my house. Been going since a storm came through on July 7th and started around a dozen fires. Even with limited resources they got them all out except this one. The team working it has been doing a good job slowly bringing it down to the valley where they have been able to put in solid lines.
Is that the Woods creek fire?
Smoke from that CA fires hit UT today due to northwesterly cold front blowing in. Can’t imagine what it’s like for you folks in the midst of it. 600 miles away, and this is what the sun looked like here today. Sorry for the poor quality iPhone pic - it doesn’t do it justice. I had the windows opened this morning and literally went outside to see if the hill above my place was on fire.

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Great representation. I went through that Saturday morning. I spoke with my wife Friday night ( she's at home in Las Vegas) and she said she thought Mount Charleston was on fire because visibly was down to one mile. I was at our cabin in southern Utah and the sky was full of stars. Your photo was identical to my view Saturday morning, 165 miles east of home. I thought, "please Lord no, Kolob's on fire". The closest fire truck is 90 minutes away. A couple of phone calls and I find out it's from a fire over 700 miles away. Air quality alerts have been issued as far away as Denver. Good Lord!
We’ve got a fire burning 7 miles from Park City in Parleys Canyon with winds pushing it over the mountain towards town. They’ve done mandatory evacuations for 650 homes so far. Looks like it’s snowing out my window with all the ash coming down.

Took my mom back to Nor CA this weekend after fishing her out of the smoke and heat for awhile. This was what the air looked like there (tasted even worse) with a AQI of over 500 Sunday morning. It improved by the time we left yesterday to a mere 325+ but that was accompanied by 115* at her place 😳D39F54F9-407C-40EE-99E0-5201D0EC9FD0.jpegB75D6EF1-1294-4EFB-B9DC-B753386100CE.jpegA099FF92-C7AB-44AF-8881-7A2AF9564F5C.png

Sky’s not bad at our place this open and a breeze blowingB2923DBF-F654-4A64-8A24-CF6405675D60.jpeg
It's a plausible theory but I do not think it will happen in any of our lifetimes. There is a significant amount of evidence proving that most of the west was at one time under the ocean. This is proven by the fossils found throughout the west. The tectonic plates are constantly moving and shifting and elevations are constantly changing. There is evidence that the west coast might drop off the Continental Shelf somewhere in the very distant future also.
Seems like rain almost every day in the east for last couple weeks. All goes out to sea. I always wonder why our country couldn’t have engineered a national water system. We are too far gone perhaps. But I’ll bet the ancient Romans would have succeeded....
Somehow late to this thread, but I’m 56 and a water resources engineer and I’m willing to bet there will be a pipeline from the Mississippi to the west sometime in our lifetime.
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