
drew antelope unit 30a 4025


New member
May 10, 2001
can anybody tell me what i can expect from this unit? what part of the state is it in? any help would be appreciated
"what part of the state is it in?"

Are you kidding?

You can expect sagebrush and antelope. Why would you put in for a unit when you don't even know where it is?

If you see a 14" goat shoot it. The unit is near birch creek, just past Lone Pine...does that help?

It is flat to rolling sage hills that give way to steep mountains with pine pockets ending up at the continental divide on the MT/ID state line. Nice camping & fishing on the creek. Long way from services. You will see as many elk as antelope.
Thanks for the help! I live on the idaho border so i played the odds and went for a tag I thought I could draw. Ive hunted whitetails on the montana side. It sounds like fun!!

The only problem im going to have is that I drew a region G deer tag and an antelope tag in Wyoming. Going to be busy!!!
You live in MT? Then you already know what the country looks like!

Seriously I don't think its a trophy unit, and I would think that if you took a couple days prior to season you could look the majority of the unit over and find a buck or two. If you just want a mature buck I think you could close the deal in a day or 2 plus a weekend of scouting prior to season.

Helleva lot closer to scout than WY antelope.

By the way, I did NOT draw my region G & Wy Antelope must have got them.

Got any tips on where to find a good public land whitetail in MT? We have a point and would like to hunt whiteys there.
I live on the Utah- Idaho border. I have hunted whitetails around the town of Dillon. There are some real nice bucks the problem is a little public land. We hunted bits and pieces along the river around Glen also and shot some decent bucks. Ive seen some awesome bucks bear hunting around the town of Troy.
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