Drawing lull dreams... or nightmares!


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2018
Two days into the rising sun
Now that there’s a bit of a draw lull, with several state’s applications in... my mind wanders to the “what-if” scenarious......

What if I draw nothing? 😭

What if I draw two!! 😂 Or three!!😬

Dear lord, what if I draw more than one and have to pick????

And what am I going to do if I DO draw that sheep tag and what do I know about sheep hunting anyway?

(And most importantly, how do I hide this credit card bill from my wife until the refunds come?)

So does anybody have any tales of amazing luck (multiple dream LE draws in a single season) or any tales where that happened and was actually bad news/conflicting dates/very tough choice to make?
Good thread... i drew AZ for the second year in a row with 0 points. I thought for sure it was points this year, but now i have a muzzleloader tag! I feel lucky, hoping WY sends me a Bison tag... nervous about NM results, and i SHOULD draw LE MT tag for elk too.

I have good chances of drawing a “Divorce”. I tell the wife that i need to climb mountains and sleep on the ground as long as my body lets me.. self employment helps with scheduling and taking time off each year. Goodluck may the draw-gods send you a few tags!
2017 was my perfect storm year. I committed to a general tag archery elk hunt with Elkaholic and another friend and a deer hunt with John Cushman. Then my daughter and I both drew either sex rifle tags for the Missouri Breaks. Then my wife drew a Shiras Moose tag for Montana. It was a good year. I didn't go bankrupt.... :) unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of John's buck since he was with Randy when he shot it. Then Ross(MnHunter) drew a mountain lion permit in my area...


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G.M.,,,, Very, Very Nice! Life time of memories in just one season. The pic with your daughter is priceless....

Bullshot,,,,, You worry way to much! Drawing those special tags is something to celebrate and not worry about. As far as your wife? Take her hunting! She just might decide that she likes it and wants to put in for her own tags........win, win......except for the credit card costs. :)

Hope that you draw that sheep tag and then figure out how to hunt them,,,,they are a lot of fun and can live in some amazing country.


I've got just enough apps in to be extremely busy if I draw them all, but I not so many as to generate conflicts. I have a deer hunt planned with a partner for November, and historically speaking we should draw, but that's the only one I'm really worried about. It's just tougher to find/plan other quality hunts that multiple people are interested in with easily obtainable tags.

As far as my solo hunts this year, I have a lot of OTC and leftover tag stuff I always want to do, so I won't be too disappointed if I don't draw LE.
I have three bowhunts planed plus my usual two weeks of bowhunting deer....I would love to draw another tag or two and fit things in. I figure I worry about it when it happens.
My good tags seemed to come in one big bunch from 2014-2016. In 2014 I drew a Missouri River Breaks rifle elk tag, a really good Montana antelope tag, a Montana Mountain goat tag, and one of the better Wyoming antelope tags. In 2015 I booked a caribou hunt in Alaska, so sure enough I drew the same Montana antelope tag, and the deer tag I had been waiting on for 15 years. Then in 2016, I drew a POW bear tag, Montana Moose tag, a very good Wyoming elk tag, and my brother drew a Missouri River Breaks rifle elk tag. No big draws in the 15 years of hunting leading up to then, and nothing since. It was a great three year run.
Great responses and man, that sheep hunt success picture MtnHunter posted is glorious! I want to hear more stories of lucky draw streaks.. I think keeps hope alive for everyone! I have gone totally overboard this year and applied like mad, conflicts be damned. So if I do draw anything.. it's gonna be awesome! But I went so far as to make a spreadsheet with blackout dates for most of what I was putting in for. It's a crime scene. Irreconcilable conflicts everywhere. The upside, is that strangely I get a bit of a thrill when results come out even when I DON'T draw, as it means that a conflict get's erased! See?..... glass always half FULL with this strategy!

On balance, all my applications are unlikely to ever conflict, simply by the statistics of what I applied for. It is entirely possible, actually, it's about 90-95% certain, that when it is all said and done, I will have applied for 40-50 different drawings (shhhhhhh!!! my wife might be listening), including many raffles, and I won't draw a single tag! I am shocked to have discovered just how many draws have odds like 0.5% or worse and I don't foresee my knees and back holding up for another 200 years....

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