Kenetrek Boots

Draft Elk Management Plan is out

Are you meaning ‘cows valid on a general’ or the nuclear ‘cow only’ option?

So many LE areas already where cows are valid on a general for 6 months and you can shoot 3 of them with no improvement in harvest/population reduction.
Cows need be put on general season, set quotas/target number to be harvested, mandatory reporting on harvest, when number is hit end season. If number isn’t hit before November 30, extend season thru December 30. If object numbers are not met within 2 yrs, cow only
Cows need be put on general season, set quotas/target number to be harvested, mandatory reporting on harvest, when number is hit end season. If number isn’t hit before November 30, extend season thru December 30. If object numbers are not met within 2 yrs, cow only
I think that would make the public land be piss pounded even harder than it is now and would just make the problem worse of elk hanging out on private causing problems. The southeast part of the state is already general for cow on private land and there’s still problems. Having everyone and their dog on the public chasing them isn’t going to help at all
Make it illegal for a landowner to charge money, including leasing, for the hunting of antlerless elk in areas where cow numbers are over objective and/or said landowner is complaining about elk numbers and damage. Eliminate the ability to monetize them and I wonder if access just might get easier.
Make it illegal for a landowner to charge money, including leasing, for the hunting of antlerless elk in areas where cow numbers are over objective and/or said landowner is complaining about elk numbers and damage. Eliminate the ability to monetize them and I wonder if access just might get easier.
This is not enforceable. It’s private land and they can charge “trespass fees” No matter what.
Someone brought up the hand holding hunts on private land as an idea and I don’t think it’s a bad one. Obviously it wouldn’t be for everyone but I bet you’d be shocked at how many would sign up to have their hand held and drove out to the pivot and shoot their cow elk and have it loaded into the pickup whole. Make it general cow tag valid on private land like the southeastern part of the state.
Someone brought up the hand holding hunts on private land as an idea and I don’t think it’s a bad one. Obviously it wouldn’t be for everyone but I bet you’d be shocked at how many would sign up to have their hand held and drove out to the pivot and shoot their cow elk and have it loaded into the pickup whole. Make it general cow tag valid on private land like the southeastern part of the state.
I have been on way too many of these hand holding hunts. They can put grey hair on you head. There are reasons people jump on these types of hunts. Can't walk ten steps with out sounding like a herd of cows, Can't spot game unless it is close and in the open, any distance or cover, not a chance, Can't get their act together when they do by lucky chance see something, can't shoot when they do finally get ready, Can't track even with snow when they make a poor shot, if they do get something on the ground, just hand them a chain saw, sure to be quicker and likely less mess. The list goes on. More than a few times I have thought. " You expect to kill an older buck on public land, You have turned a hayfield doe hunt in to an ordeal."
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With the proposed conservation leasing do you think it would be possible to put some center pivots planted in alfalfa on public?
joking of coarse, but seriously, you can make public more appealing to elk but you will never make it more appealing than third cutting irrigated alfalfa unless the alfalfa has people with rifles pointed at the elk.
I have made the same point many times. There is a reason these elk are on private, and it isn't just hunter numbers. I don't think BLM allows the idea, but you probably could on state land. Then it becomes a question of what would have the best $ return to the state, the grazing rights or some allocation of hunter's $s.
Someone brought up the hand holding hunts on private land as an idea and I don’t think it’s a bad one.
Already happens. Ranch hand drives the hunter out, they walk a couple of hundred yards and hand tells the hunter to "shoot that one". Hunter shoots and hit elk stumbles over the ridge. They drive over and can't find the elk with minimal effort, so he ranch hand says, "forget it, we will go to the other side of the ranch and shoot a different one."

I'm sure not every ranch would operate this way, because all landowners are different, just like all hunters are different. But this is a common story on the current program in place.
Already happens. Ranch hand drives the hunter out, they walk a couple of hundred yards and hand tells the hunter to "shoot that one". Hunter shoots and hit elk stumbles over the ridge. They drive over and can't find the elk with minimal effort, so he ranch hand says, "forget it, we will go to the other side of the ranch and shoot a different one."

I'm sure not every ranch would operate this way, because all landowners are different, just like all hunters are different. But this is a common story on the current program in place.
Proof? mtmuley
When damage hunts were a thing before shoulder seasons i had a rancher tell me he had a guy show up with his grandpas open sight 30-30. When they spotted elk the guy started shooting at about 450 yards.
Proof? mtmuley
This is the f-*king internet, so I don't need to give you any proof. But I'm pretty sure the elk I ate was enough for me and the fact that it wasn't a story someone brags about. Even if I had a video and recording you would believe it because it came from me, so I'm not biting on your BS past this response. It happened and you can guess the ranch. Like I said, I would guess a lot of ranches are not the same as this one (being as infamous as it is), just like not all hunters are complete slobs. This is the downside of the 454 program and trying to get elk down to objective. The landowner gets bull tags and the measurement of success is "public" hunters killing cow elk. I doubt there is any way to eliminate it completely, I just hope that new programs don't encourage more of it. I'm not sure the "turkey" shoot described by Ben in post #53 are any better or worse. That is for the hunters of Montana to decide. For those that want to eliminate the $$$ from the sport and hope everything goes back to the glory days, they need to recognize it is ALL about the money and that isn't changing. While MT R hunters try to figure out how to negotiate more access, they can start by paying more than $20 for a tag.
I think that would make the public land be piss pounded even harder than it is now and would just make the problem worse of elk hanging out on private causing problems. The southeast part of the state is already general for cow on private land and there’s still problems. Having everyone and their dog on the public chasing them isn’t going to help at all
I was in a hurry, make the cow license/UL permit for private land only
The incentive/kick in the ass is if we ain’t at objective in 2-3 yrs……Cow ONLY until we are……. It has to be a win/win/win….
Win for wildlife #1, win for landowners #2(they feed “our wildlife” 24-7, 365) and a win for the sporting community.

Any discussion/arguments??.... I will hardly sleep tonight anticipating the ire this may stir, hopefully I have time to check in tomorrow
Remember this all, I do know/realize wildlife are the “publics, and held in public trust……so come up with better solution than The one I’ve presented
The incentive/kick in the ass is if we ain’t at objective in 2-3 yrs……Cow ONLY until we are……. It has to be a win/win/win….
Win for wildlife #1, win for landowners #2(they feed “our wildlife” 24-7, 365) and a win for the sporting community.

Any discussion/arguments??.... I will hardly sleep tonight anticipating the ire this may stir, hopefully I have time to check in tomorrow
Remember this all, I do know/realize wildlife are the “publics, and held in public trust……so come up with better solution than The one I’ve presented
I think it’s a reasonable idea.
The incentive/kick in the ass is if we ain’t at objective in 2-3 yrs……Cow ONLY until we are……. It has to be a win/win/win….
Win for wildlife #1, win for landowners #2(they feed “our wildlife” 24-7, 365) and a win for the sporting community.

Any discussion/arguments??.... I will hardly sleep tonight anticipating the ire this may stir, hopefully I have time to check in tomorrow
Remember this all, I do know/realize wildlife are the “publics, and held in public trust……so come up with better solution than The one I’ve presented
I’ve never shot a cow in my life, but I’d be all for cow only in chronically over objective units. Everyone’s true colors would show in a hurry.
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