Dove Hunters in Ventura/Los Angeles Area?


Jul 30, 2020
Ventura County, CA
Morning everyone! Anybody from the are know of some good spots to hunt dove? We use to hunt In private properties in the area but were sold as I grew up. Very challenging to find some good spots down here. I’ve been looking around OnX to find some spots. Might have a some traveling but it’s ok. I can’t wait!
Don't know about Dove in that area, seems most head over to AZ. Quail can be found in Los Padres and Angeles forest areas. You might want to look at joining SCVQUWF
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Yes, super tough to find a good dove area on public land in Ventura County and I've looked quite a bit. The few dove that I've taken in that County happen to be during quail season which overlaps with the 2nd half of dove season, but they were targets of opportunity. Most of the dove are on private ag land, which you already know. I would focus more on quail, and if you're interested in hunting big game get a D13 tag, or bear tag.
Like others have said good public dove spots are hard to find. Like you we hunted private farms in central California and a limit was easy to get within the first half hour. After old timers have passed away and farms have been sold, we lost all our private options. The closest public land with doves to my house is about 45 minutes away and can only get a handful hunting a few hours. Other than knocking on doors, go after quail and you might come across a few dove along the way.
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