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dougdelite: Can a beagle flush pheasants and retrieve swimming birds?

A neighbor rancher had a bunch of beagles when we were growing up. But I don't think "hunting rabbits" with them is what you have in mind. They chased rabbits as a group, and the rabbit either went underground, or was killed and eaten. It was the listening to the hounds part he loved, just as fox and coon hunters do.
Both are awesome breeds, but most probably aren't suited for what you need. Any NAVHDA acknowledged breed would get you closer...
I had beagles growing up when there was still rabbits in the country to hunt. Very stubborn and rarely listened. Had lots of problems with getting them off deer scent when they jumped one up. Any dog can flush a rabbit but a good beagle will circle it back to you if you miss or don't get a shot initially. I have fond memories of all the beagles I have but I would probably never get another as the number of rabbits available wouldn't make up for the crap you have to deal with the breed. The best dog as far as rabbit hunting goes wasn't even a pure bred beagle.
I wouldn't trust a beagle to do anything for you aside from chase game. I believe it could flush birds, but I doubt, they'd flush in front of you from all the barking.
Couple of things for consideration. Beagles are def not suited as swim dogs. Yes they’ll do it watch em chase cane cutters through the water. Just not their speciality. Regarding beagles flushing birds out of range. Prob hare dog type wind splitters. Get some line control beagles and you’ll shoot all the pheasant you want if you want to. I break mine off birds if they’re so inclined.
The NAHVDA thing so many are keen on is not my style. No dog can do everything best. They’re a compromise.
Ain’t many dogs retrieving like a hard core retriever, can’t take the wet, wind and cold like a Chessie. Can’t run with the wind and point like a horseback pointer, can’t track like a hound, or tree all night. Just ain’t happening. You never see a navda dog compete in these speciality dog events and even place. They won’t/cant hang. If you’re looking for do it all ok type dog it could suit you. Yes I’ve run and worked navda events for my buddy was officer in a couple local clubs. Bored me to death watching em
I should add this was no NAVDA bash nor on the guys use or support em. Just personal thoughts. Thought I’d better clarify that before someone assumed less
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Here’s a pic from my previous yard. This was an old dog I let chase pheasant for the kid something I’d normally not allow


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