Double Up on AK moose

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Those who subscribe to Fresh Tracks+ saw this video quite a while back. In this video, Marcus, Kara, and Rocky go to Alaska and shoot two very cool moose. A ton of work once they hit the ground, but big smiles from some of my favorite people. Now available on our YouTube channel at the link below.

If anyone is wondering about a 180 grain Nosler E-Tip out of a .300 Win Mag, these one-shot kills should put any concerns to rest.

WTF kind of Badass is Kara, carrying quarters that weigh as much as she does? Truly impressive.
Great hunt, thanks for sharing!
Reminds me too much of all the infantryman I know who have permanent back problems from carrying too much gear. Hopefully Kara's spine-crushing trauma was short enough in duration to avoid that kind of long-term trouble.

I had a moose tag in AK a few years ago and was trying to prepare for the packout. When I put 100 lbs in my backpack I could barely get to the end of the driveway. Luckily (?) I didn't shoot one.
Watched the episode last night in our house. Looks like they had a blast!

We both agreed that fence or not, we’d have not slept a ton with that kind of bear density. Specifically that lard-o monster bear on a gut pile a few hundred yards from camp. What a tank!
Awesome job for everyone involved. Congrats to the whole group!

It makes me want to get back up there more and more but it will have to wait until the kids get older. Until then we will keep playing with all the wildlife here. I've gotten two older friends both a moose here in the last week. Not quite the same caliber :ROFLMAO: but you have to love moose hunting.
Looks like I fun group, loved Kara's shot, debating if it was legal, she goes "1 2 3 4 bang"
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I especially loved the energy of the video. Team work and fun. Absolute stud bulls. That giant bull that disappeared… damn. They should be going back to find that GIANT grizzly. Come on @Big Fin, you should go!

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