Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Double tap this morning

devon deer

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Devon, England
We have had 2 days of solid rain and gale force winds, but this morning was perfect, ice on the truck, and clear skies.
First farm, nothing seen, second farm, we clocked this Fallow Doe with her fawn, Stephen (who came with me to Montana last October) nailed the doe with my Blaser R8 30-06 at 200 yards, i followed by dropping the fawn with my .243 Sako 75
They will make some great eating!
Off out again later, fingers crossed for a red deer.

Very well done, Richard. Keep knocking the dust out of that Sako's barrel so it will be ready for my roebuck hunt in July. :cool: Is Red Deer buck still in season or is it hinds only right now? Also, which of England's deer species make the best table fare? Is there much difference between them?
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Very nice! I woke up to another foot of snow.... Gonna be tough on our whitetails this winter.
Thanks chaps.
No snow, but a little bit of sleet, also i don't need to switch my chiller on which is a bonus.

The .243 is spot on, nailed that fawn right through the lungs, that will be the best eating, but there is an old couple in my village who have been waiting for me to get one like that, so the old codger will be getting it.

The only deer we can't shoot at the moment is the Roe Buck, they are still in velvet, but don't worry Sawtooth, i won't shoot any prior to your trip, i promise!
If you get a roe we will see if we work something out for you and your family to have a meal at my place.


Thanks chaps.

As far as i am aware there is only one place in the UK that tan deer hides, i have never had one done, but you are correct, they do look good, and you have got me thinking.

As for the evening outing, torrential rain that only cleared as it got dark, then a roe doe turned up, but was a tricky shot, so it was left.


Actually, kind of envious. Sounds like you can hunt anytime.

Enjoy the posts and keep them coming.

We are fortunate in one way, there isn't a day in the year when a species of deer isn't available to the hunter, but, we have ZERO public land to hunt in England.



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