Don't be like me

Yea, going outside of the original engineering design is always risky. Thanks for sharing this and hopefully giving everyone a reminder to be careful.
Yeah I won’t be altering any stands I buy. I will say the only reason I had the idea was that the manufacturer actually offered for sale a four foot extension to go with the stand. I had another stand I took a section off of so I didn’t see anything wrong with it. After I went back and checked it out though two straps had been chewed up by squirrels. So I don’t think the extra four feet did anything to add to the reason I fell. If the straps would’ve been good it wouldn’t have happened. I will be checking all the straps each year before season, along with the bolts and overall condition of each stand. That is if I ever get back in one.
Since this thread got revived, i will provide a quick update. Still have back pain of varying degrees, on a daily basis. Can't run or jump, hurts way too much to do those things. Sitting on bleachers or similar hard surfaces, is only an hour or so max, then i have to get up and move and stretch out. Walking on hard surfaces like concrete or blacktop or ceramic tiles causes my back to hurt if I'm on them for a couple hours or more. Still haven't been back up in a treestand and being off of the ground more then 8 to 10 feet causes some apprehension.
I'm alive and walking so I'm thankful for that.
I hope you get past it! It definitely is a challenge to deal with. I bought a saddle and will try to hunt from it next year, I think being strapped to the tree at all times from the ground to hunting level might be ok, but I’m with you heights are not my favorite thing right now.
I put a little trampoline together for my granddaughter last night and can barely move today. So it’s heating pad and couch today.
I do have a good friend who had two vertebrates fused together ten years ago and he changed his lifestyle significantly. He runs every day, lost weight and made exercising the most important part of his day. He still has some pain at times but for the most part he doesn’t have back problems. So I’m hopeful I can get there too.
Good luck with your recovery!

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