Doing the Impossible

BigSky, thats beautiful and you should be proud. Coming from an art background (both parents artists in different mediums) and having 4 kids that enjoy art in a variety of mediums, my oldest son was similar to what you are describing in your son, exhibiting the skill as soon as they could pick up the tools in infancy.

You son is not only talented, but blessed to have you as a parent/teacher to nurture that. So many people stifle the arts in children for academia, saying art is foolish, a waste of time, how would you support yourself, they dont call them starving artists for nothing. Thank you for sharing.
I like to hang some art work in my trophy room.Does he have any good wildlife scenes drawn yet.I haven't seen all your other posts.His work is very nice and I would buy something.
My step daughter was very good at drawing but doesn't do it much.I tried to encourage her but I think its a gift she's not interested in following.I hope your son sticks with it he is very talented
Big Sky, brag all you want. I'll listen and enjoy the artwork. Talented boy there. Show us more. mtmuley

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