DOI Sec. Sally Jewell at MSU debate

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So I bump a thread saying children should be taught more about hunting and I get the third degree by mtmiller.

It's interesting that if you don't tow the "company" line around here you get the third degree.
So I bump a thread saying children should be taught more about hunting and I get the third degree by mtmiller.

Come on, it was funny that you were discussing the lack of education and then used incorrect grammar. Buck up. I am sure I do the same thing. Feel free to call me out.

Relax bud.
Very nice that the Secretary and Senator would take time tomorrow to meet with a small handful of hunting leaders to discuss public land access. I suspect the attendees tomorrow will have a much higher rate of hunting participation.

Did this happen?
So I bump a thread saying children should be taught more about hunting and I get the third degree by mtmiller.

It's interesting that if you don't tow the "company" line around here you get the third degree.

It's toe the line. ;)
Bison are considered livestock except in Yellowstone.

Try again.

If that were true MT legislators wouldn't be trying to change their official designation TO livestock. Your handle is becoming synonymous with big boob. :rolleyes:
BR, that says that free ranging bison are game animals. The legislation I mentioned would change that.

Then I can see why the landowners are saying no.

Page 111 seems to say they have the right to have the bison removed from their land.

I can see why the landowners want iron clad protection from bison grazing their land.

I'm on their side now until they get that protection.
Bison are considered livestock except in Yellowstone.

Try again.

BR, I own this forum and I don't mind you here interacting and providing discussion in some informed manner. Your posts, including this one, are so uninformed, you are reaching the point of being a troll, arguing for the sake of arguing, tossing out BS that is completely incorrect, and acting like you are the grade school valedictorian, all the while contributing nothing of value to members who use this forum as a place to get information.

If you have something worthwhile to add, go ahead and participate, post some pics, maybe even a hunting story or two. You are not the only person I have ever stated this to. There are plenty here who can testify to being told to get over it or get the hell out of here. My job is to keep the forum a mix of open dialogue that allows for discussion of differing opinions, while balancing the trolling activities of those who have nothing constructive add.

Your continual drivel, general ignorance on topics of which you speak, and your unsubstantiated opinions that you try to pawn off as fact, has tired with me. Maybe three days of NRA trade show time has me tired and ornery. Regardless, I am losing patience with your actions.

People with a track record of helping others, adding value to discussion, and providing some other positive value to the forum, usually get leniency for temporary indiscretions. As you have provided nothing of the value to the members of this forum, or if so, I cannot find it among all your other ramblings, your interactions here seem to be a permanent course and are wearing on me fast.

To the ignorance you have as to MT law go read this recent court decision that confirms what has been fought about recently and why some legislators want to get the law changed. The case concludes that bison are considered wildlife under Montana law; exactly the opposite as you have stated.

I suspect you realize how foolish you look when you start rambling as you have here, but you could care less, rather thinking this platform is a place for you to interact in this manner. It is not here for such adolescent level of interaction, so if you cannot start contributing positively, please go elsewhere.

The case number, plaintiffs and defendants.
Bison 1.jpg

Argument made that bison are livestock, not wildlife.
Bison 2.jpg

Conclusion by the court that bison are wildlife, not livestock.
Bison 3.jpg

Go read the entire 26 pages of findings, if you want. I have copied and pasted the pertinent sections here, to save you the time.

To the rest of you, engaging with someone who wants to argue for the sake of arguing does nothing but provide reinforcement to such behavior. I suggest all of us stay on topics that have value to the forum and its users, and that we disregard those wanting to reduce the value of discussion.

Last time I got to this point of disgust with the lowered level of dialogue, two people got tossed. I am now past that point of irritation, so all members are now on notice. If anyone wants to argue aimlessly and behave like a teenager, go to a site designed for such. Or, if you insist on doing it here, expect that next time you try to log in, you are unable to do so.

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