Dogs are Hunting Partners - Let's see 'em

my wifes wirehair 9months old goes everywhere with her, swims like a fish, points like crazy, the other wirehairs are jealous,,,,,


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As most folks know, I'm in the early chapters of writing a "book" with Hank. He's become a great part of the family and is figuring out how to hunt a bit along the way.

If you want to keep your spot a secret you will be better served taking your dog...

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Sorry I like my dogs... dozens more but you get the idea!
Still trying to teach GuNR what a limit means.

Reese is our first hunting dog. She's turned out better than we ever hoped, overcoming her handicap of having us as trainers!

Glamour shot:

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Her favorite game - chasing pheasants:

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Learning a new game - chasing mountain quail. We got to hunt with my grandpa, who has given up chasing birds in the mountains because he doesn't get around too well anymore. We took him out and drove the roads until we found some coveys to ambush. Having never hunted with a dog, he was pretty tickled to not have to crawl around in steep, brushy nastiness to find downed birds. Reese was pretty tickled that he's still a decent shot and there were plenty of birds to find.

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Her first hunting season. My FIL shot this swan, and it was all she could do to drag this thing by the head in to shore.

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She's 4 now, but I don't remember what it was like before she came along. Hope we have many more years of these kinds of memories.
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My wife and I have been married almost 28 years and have had dogs the whole time. 2 golden retrievers and now this knucklehead. Our 3 boys are grown so this 2 year old girl is spoiled as heck but is also the most driven dog we have had and doesn't much care for photo ops if the ducks are still in the air. She is my constant companion if I am not at work. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
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We took Bella on a ton of hunting and fishing trips...pronghorn and deer were her favorite.

I really never realized how intense JRT's are when it comes to hunting. She would work the creek banks everyday on her walks, for voles, mink, muskrats etc.

Working the creek:


Swimming in the pond, didn't realize JRT's could swim that well either, or like to!


She would catch crayfish and trout that were close to the bank:


Out hunting pronghorn:


Photo bomb:


Rain, cold, snow, always up for anything outdoors. Doubt there's many dogs that have packed more life into 15 years than Bella did. Lost her about a year ago, and it still sucks.

Great posts fellas. It's awesome to see others love their dogs as much as i do I've got a soft spot for dogs. Their not called man's best friend for nothing! Cause that they truly are.

Keep 'em coming
Here is Jersey. He is almost a year and loves eating hostas almost as much as he loves my wife and girls. He and I have had our ups and downs, but things are looking bright as obedience training is all but over and the focus is transitioning to things considerably more enjoyable for the both of us.


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Here is Remi our 4 year old GSP with our one year old son. They're starting to like each other more and more every day, pretty fun to watch them interact.
(Sorry my phone always post my pictures 90 degrees off)
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Here's my two boys, Solo and Kenai, both Alaskan Malamutes. Solo, on the left, was the only pup in his litter hence the name and likely the reason he is so big. He is 175lbs and over 6' nose to tail but a true gentle giant and rarely lets me leave his sight. He loves people and everyday when I get home he runs around frantically trying to find the perfect toy to bring me. He just turned 6. He is not a hunter but has killed a few of the wife's chickens.
His 'little' buddy Kenai, is around 120lbs and is a bundle of energy. At almost 4 he still acts like a pup. He went through a phase where no sneaker was safe and shredded quite a few. They are inseparable love chasing each other around.
In the picture in the background is Minto, who we lost 3 years ago at 10. He was a Malamute/Collie mix and the smartest dog I've ever been around. I could, and probably should, write a book on his antics.


Kenai giving me the 'I know you have food' look.

The big guy snoozing on his loveseat.
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