Dog repellent

I have to carry gun and spray with me in my back yard right in town in a nice neighborhood. New neighbors moved in with a Pit. They introduced themselves and said "our dog isn't great with other dogs or kids." It tried to attack our 14 month old daughter when it saw her through our patio door last week. It was on a cable, which held. My wife won't go back there anymore where the dog can see her. Any ideas on making a 100 pound dog "disappear"? I did a quick background check on the neighbor. Let's just say I don't want to piss him off.
I want to know what the dog owner said when you talked to them about their dogs behavior. I realize this is a pitbull, but I have heard using an auto opening umbrella on charging dogs works. If not, you have the 40 cal :)

I nobody came out of the house even after the shot. About 5 minutes after the incident my wife flagged down a passing sheriff's car and told him what happened. Luckily when he went to the house the dog was still across the street. Don't know what happened but the dog is still in the yard.
We'll definitely get some spray repellent because there is more than one loose dog. Yesterday we went in a different direction and we had to make a wide detour across the desert because of another stray pitbull and my wife did not want to draw it's attention.
No Wiser

I would invest in a fence. Tall and strong. If the neighbor has a problem with it tell them better a fence then the dogs life next time it try's to come after your kid. Sooner or later it will get out. But I bet bear spray a couple times would help change its attitude.
supposedly good fences make good neighbors. So much for your "nice" neighborhood.
I have a neighbor who used to have a mean mutt that would charge the fence and try to come over every time we were both in the back yard. I always made sure I had a tool or weapon, hammer, screw driver, etc whenever I went back there.
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We used to have a basset hound that was all bark, especially at men in uniform. The USPS letter carrier sprayed him without telling us. Now let me tell you something, basset's may be stubborn, but they ain't stupid. Next time he saw the letter carrier, he bit (only time in his life) without warning. Then came the allegations of rabies, paperwork, quarantine, etc.

Moral of the story is that pepper spray will work for sure, but only the first time.
For the original poster, if a dog came at me aggressively enough that it meant business, I'd not hesitate to shoot it. You and your wife might feel bad for a little while, but think how you'd feel for the rest of your life if the next person to get attacked was an unarmed child.
odds are if you mace a dog and it sees you again it should leave you alone from its last experience with you, if not and it continues to be aggressive that's when it may be time to get animal control involved etc. But I have a different standing with some of that I'm a huge dog person myself but if I ever felt in any danger from one id shoot it no problem.
I have to carry gun and spray with me in my back yard right in town in a nice neighborhood. New neighbors moved in with a Pit. They introduced themselves and said "our dog isn't great with other dogs or kids." It tried to attack our 14 month old daughter when it saw her through our patio door last week. It was on a cable, which held. My wife won't go back there anymore where the dog can see her. Any ideas on making a 100 pound dog "disappear"? I did a quick background check on the neighbor. Let's just say I don't want to piss him off.

If they are nice people I would just have a conversation and tell them what you just typed here. Explain and ask, "are you sure that dog can't get off that lead?". Tell them all it did was see your kids and go crazy and you are concerned. if that gets a bad response, well you might as well move if you are afraid of the neighbor and the dog :)
An out of date shot of bear spray works great on dogs that (used to) like to chase and bite at bicycles. Definitely changes their attitude from then on. Been about 2 years and they still won't come within 60 yards of the road. Now we can ride, run, or walk our dog without worry.
I have to carry gun and spray with me in my back yard right in town in a nice neighborhood. New neighbors moved in with a Pit. They introduced themselves and said "our dog isn't great with other dogs or kids." It tried to attack our 14 month old daughter when it saw her through our patio door last week. It was on a cable, which held. My wife won't go back there anymore where the dog can see her. Any ideas on making a 100 pound dog "disappear"? I did a quick background check on the neighbor. Let's just say I don't want to piss him off.

I wouldn't bet my wife's or my daughters' lives on trusting your neighbors will be responsible with that dog. It only takes a few seconds of it being out of control and your family's life could be changed forever in a very bad way. I'd either voice my concerns to them with the caveat that you will be placing a call to law enforcement if the dog isn't gone, and hope they respond favorably, or I'd move...
What did the sheriff say your options were for protecting yourself?

He didn't really say anything. Didn't question my sidearm either. All he said was "I'll let animal control know." Then drove over to the house and was there for about 5 minutes.
Our animal control out here is pretty much worthless. My wife has called about loose dogs several times and there is only a recording asking you to leave a message and they never come out.
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