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Dog photos: 3 easy objectives

1/2 Airedale, 1/2 Idaho Shag Dog...he's a helluva coyote dog.
Hell ya sounds like it. I Had a half jag half Airedale and he loved tearing into coyotes. If you don’t mind me asking where you got him from? Would love to get my hands on one.
Hell ya sounds like it. I Had a half jag half Airedale and he loved tearing into coyotes. If you don’t mind me asking where you got him from? Would love to get my hands on one.
I own both parents. The sire is pure Airedale, the mother is the Shag. We had two litters, six pups on the first go, eight on the second. I regret to say I had the female spayed after the second batch. Right now I'm looking for a female to breed with Grizz. I have several fellow government trappers around Montana and Wyoming that want pups, so it's in the works. I'll keep you in the loop if you're interested in one.

I had a Jag terrier for about six months. He was a ball of fire, but unfortunately, he got done in by three old coyotes one spring about 20 years ago, in the bottom of a timbered coulee out of my view. By the time I got down there it was too late.
These dogs I use now are about 60 pounds, and can hold their own. There's a fine line when training decoy dogs. You need them to be aggressive, and they need to learn respect. I've had good luck running new pups with an older dog starting them. You'll know after taking them out six or eight times if they're cut out for it or not.
Got 2 out of 3 with this photo...catch light in the dogs eyes and the landscape we hunt.
Did not get below the dog eye-level because I wanted to catch that rainbow and the landscape.
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