Dog hog or greed factor


New member
Jan 12, 2003
Boise Idaho
Many of you will remember a thread I posted at that other board, it told of how I got greedy and blew a chance to kill one coyote for the maybe chance to kill three. Well I wanted to bring this up again for general purpose. The story was long and the moral was when coyote huntin take the bird in hand. You have to kill the first to kill the seccond.

My son nicknamed me the doghog after that. LOL what did he mean???
Anyone ever have this happen to you?
I have had that happen to me before, and I'm sure that it will happen again. It is just ONE of the things that makes this calling game so exciting.
Sly. I got my first lesson on this subject at a very early age, My uncle took me on my first Duck hunt. When a huge flock of Ducks pitched in to the decoys. I jumped up a blazed away.

I expected the pond to be covered with floating dead Ducks. Not even a feather floated down. My Uncle asked which one I was aiming at?. I proudly announced " The first five".

His comment was permanently branded on my little pee brain. "Boy you can't kill the second one, Till you get the first one killed".
I called in one yote and aways away I spotted the other. I was trying more onthe 2nd one cuz I was GREEDY. I was paying more attention to his reaction when I should have the 1st. Well, when the 1st got real close and 2nd one back alittle. 1st got smart and took off and took his buddy with him. I WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!...
1ST THINGS 1ST from now on.

I've never had that problem. If I seen more than one coyote charging the call I might pass out from all the excitement.

Doug you need to come out here and pass out many times,,,LOL realy you are welcome to come out and hunt with me anytime you can get away.

Way back when... There was this woman who thought she really knew her chit because just a few weeks ago she had lead her first coyote and shot it in the front shoulder while it was running full tilt. So she went out one evening purposefully looking for more. Five came charging out of the locust coming up to her. It suddenly became an instant lead farm. She shot and shot and reloaded and shot some more. They all stayed out on that field until she had finally put down her rifle and just looked in amazement at them furry lil critters running around in circles laughing at her in hysterics and then got bored and walked back into the woods.

At that very moment for the lady hunter, she felt, mad, excited, confused, furious and any other emotion she could feel. And it was that moment that I think she learned that very same valuable lesson in life. And that moment that I realized that I can't shoot the second, third, fourth and fifth one if I haven't gotten the first one...

To this day, I wonder if they were even real or if it was some great lesson from Creator

From that day forward, either way, it was a lesson learned
So no one else has been a victom of greed or being a dog hog, well I'm honored to be in here with such good company....

Think about it folks, I'm sure that someone has bloched a stand trying to milk it for what it was worth. So lets hear it.

Sly,for the first few years I started duck hunting,I killed ducks on a regular basis,in an indirect manner...they fed on the lead that never touched them,until I learned not to flock shoot and started taking them one at a time.

Since then on a rare occasion I have gotten triples,but it took me a very long time and lots of self discipline to get there.
I will take you up on that offer Sly. When I get to Idaho I will have one pocket full of bullets and one pocket full of smelling salts.

Sooner or later if you hunt em long enough, you WILL get caught by the greed factor. When i start feeling cocky or over-confident thats usually when i get into trouble trying to second guess the outcome. for myself i have always believed in, he who hesitates is lost, and when that first dog presents himself to you! you had better put him on the ground and right now. How many times while on a stand and a dog is approaching and crosses that invisible line in your mind and you say to yourself, you're a dead son of a B, only to have him give you the slip. That special feeling that gives you as you head back to your truck empty-handed, when just mimutes earlier you already had that dog dead and in the truck!. Yes Sir i learned a long time ago, take the one that offers himself up to you first, then and only then worry about #'s 2,3ormore.
OK, seeing how I started this thread and have been thinking about it all day, all of the sudden my brain flashed and I was reminded of a 2 day fox hunt that I servived almost 15 years ago in the outskirts of Denver Colorado. I was contracted by the Littleton Historic center to remove some troublesome fox that were killin the ducks and chickens at the history center farm. At the time the farm was not in city limmits so the plan was to stake out the fox and remove them however I was able to get it done.
During the day there was bus load after bus load of 3rd and 4th grade classes (school) comming and going to this farm so traping them was out. I went to the county and got a permit to hunt them at night, so I had nights and weekends to complete this task.
I rounded up spotlights and my .22 rifle and went to work as soon as they closed on friday. After rigging up the lights with red lenses and putting them in just the right spots I waited for darkness. The fox had been going under the chicken coup fence in the same place and had a trail comming to this entrance hole. I set up the lights to shine on this area. Also to shine in the coup.
About an hour after dark I heard the chickens start going off and hit the light. When the lights flicked on there were two fox inside the coup and 3 standing at the entrance hole. Well to shorten up this story just a little, I made a bad choice to take the one that had a chicken in his mouth and was still inside the coup. My well placed bullet hit the chicken wire and never found its mark. All 5 fox got away and didn't return that week.
The next weekend I did the same thing but this time when I turned on the lights there was only 3 fox and one of them was a black faise. this time I made sure of the target and the black one hit the deck dead. the other two escaped but not for long. a short time later I called in 4 more foxand killed 2 of them. the next evening I only saw one and I killed him at about 20 yards.

This went on for about 3 weeks and finaly no more fox came to this location. I ended up killing 14 fox there but learned a good lesson.

Never shoot through a chicken wire frnce and always shoot the closest one first.

Ive done it on ducks many many times...
I started hunting birds when I was very small..

but then the coyote bug got me and I still do it after numorious screwups.....

heres a few...

Sitting in a wash that was very full of manzinitas I have my trusty ole buishmaster shorty with a 30 round clip and a shotgun. both on my lap. shots ranged from 2 feet to 30 feet.. of cource they never come in the 30 foot path....

so I am sitting there with an electric caller and watching. out of nowhere comes a hawk and nails my hait right off my head, shocked and stunned I look up and see 2 yotes right in front of me(about 8 feet away) whats a guy to do I got greedy and grabbed the bushmaster... hit one that was it... so I stood up and wahcted the hill and about 5 yotes ran up the side. I nailed 2 and wounded another one. so then I had to go after the wounded ones. I dont like to wound animals even if they are yotes or p-dogs...
I never got either one of the wounded ones....

next one is I was up by courdes junction(you az guys will know how open that is) again with 2 guns my 300 win mag in 40 xb and my heavy barrel ar-15 colt... I found a nice hill(about 100 yards out) and decided to drive the truck down the hill hit the tape player and drive up the hill then sit an wait.... The tape player had just started when I crested the hill... I got out of the truck and got ready to late already 2 yotes running fast in. they were 300 yards out. out of the courner of my eye I see another one run right past my truck... I figure I would wait till they got close to the tape player than start blasting... Hey I couldnt miss since the ar-15 was on a bypod and I had plenty of clips both 30's and 5 5rounders.... I thought it would be fun to blast one with the 40xb then follow the other 2 up with the ar-15... there is a good 1000-2000 yards of open flat grass lands....

first crack was with the 40 got one down... grabbed the ar real fast(but not yote fast) and these yotes were already out of open sight shooting so I switched back to the 40xb only to see dust trails... I found one in my scope at over 800 yards and came close but no cigar....

Winter time in the kaibab snow on the ground deer tag in hand, however yotes seem to keep me side tracted. they were howling away and yapping at me and a buddy, we could hear them rustling through the dry bushes and snow.... so I grabbed my 300 and found a nice place on a rock and started calling( I always carry a call with me) and we called in 7 yotes with in 2 mins... I was more flabergasted then anything else I missed the only shot I had.. just to watch coyotes dart in and out between the bushes.... greed gets into alot of it and I am sure I will do it over and over again....
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