PEAX Equipment

Does your state include seniors on youth day?

Not legally, but you sure she a lot of this every year on youth weekend:

“Really proud of my 6 year old. Went out with his PawPaw and bagged this 18” wide 8 point at 275 yds with ‘his’ 300 Ultra Mag.”

Kid in the picture, noticeably distracted with a GameBoy in one hand and a bag of Skittles in the other. PawPaw long-arming the deer and grinning from ear to ear.

Always a head scratcher
I would feel like I was buying beer with food stamps. I can't believe they haven't passed that rule yet actually.
Its hard to believe they overlooked the concept.
I'm thinking muzzleloader elk rut hunt for seniors only....okay maybe make it a lottery. The 100 yard archery influencers would fume.
The squared bonus point system steals the entire future of LE permit hunting from children and newcomers with a 400 to 500 point advantage for oldsters. Wishing to be allowed to compete with 10- to 12-year-olds for 2 days pales in comparison. For the record, both are lowlife shit in my mind.