"Dodged" A possible full on Karen Moment Yesterday

HOA ladies are the DEVIL !
Man is that ever the truth. We are doing some land scaping in our backyard behind a privacy fence. She handed me a violation for construction without a permit by the HOA. Told her if she peaks over my privacy fence again shes going to catch one of the 2x4s across the face. Lady is out of her freakin mind.
My sister was telling me a story about an argument she had with her adult daughter. Her daughter says “You guys treat me like I’m one of the people who drive a Subaru and wear tie-dye shirts”
My sister and her son burst out laughing and said “You do drive a Subaru and you’re wearing a tie-dye shirt “
When my - now 29 - son was about 11 years old, we were getting into my van to leave the restaurant we were at. Every time he opened the door to get in, I would drive ahead about five feet. I did this about ten times, and he was busting out laughing. Some Karen drove up to me and shouted "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!?" While she was saying this my boy got in.

I looked her straight in the eyes and responded with the same yell as she used, saying "YES, I AM!!!!"

My boy completely lost it at that moment, as I drove away, not caring if she reacted or not.
Man is that ever the truth. We are doing some land scaping in our backyard behind a privacy fence. She handed me a violation for construction without a permit by the HOA. Told her if she peaks over my privacy fence again shes going to catch one of the 2x4s across the face. Lady is out of her freakin mind.
To further elaborate on this story. Her husband (lets call him chad) didnt like what I said to his wife. Shows up to my door at 11:00pm wanting to talk to me. Starts the conversation with "im a F#%&in navy seal" which is always convincing. My wife (such a gem) whom was behind me says you lookin kinda fat for a navy seal. That really got em going, so i proceed to shut and lock the door. Went out the back door to the propane fire pit (cause we are the fancy type) and drank moscow mules out of copper cups.
To further elaborate on this story. Her husband (lets call him chad) didnt like what I said to his wife. Shows up to my door at 11:00pm wanting to talk to me. Starts the conversation with "im a F#%&in navy seal" which is always convincing. My wife (such a gem) whom was behind me says you lookin kinda fat for a navy seal. That really got em going, so i proceed to shut and lock the door. Went out the back door to the propane fire pit (cause we are the fancy type) and drank moscow mules out of copper cups.
Should have told him "then I would expect you to have better control of your HOE!" ;)
To further elaborate on this story. Her husband (let’s call him chad) didnt like what I said to his wife. Shows up to my door at 11:00pm wanting to talk to me. Starts the conversation with "im a F#%&in navy seal" which is always convincing. My wife (such a gem) whom was behind me says you lookin kinda fat for a navy seal. That really got em going, so i proceed to shut and lock the door. Went out the back door to the propane fire pit (cause we are the fancy type) and drank moscow mules out of copper cups.
Well done! It’s the same everywhere, HOA board acts outside of the rule of law, like a private club. Think they can get all George Zimmerman over any perceived slight of bylaws. Tell you what, any candidate for political office that has a platform of banning HOAs gets my vote.
My ex and I sold the farm and she wanted to buy a condo in Michigan and one in Florida . We were looking at one , a duplex unit , actually we were waiting for the realtor outside of it , and a HOA comando pulled up in a car .
He and the woman with him got out of the car and without introduction or asking who I was proceeded to tell me "Your grass is one inch too long" and showed me with a tape measure , in a rude and condescending manor .
I said "Thank you D**k Head" He went ballistic , started spewing all kinds of stuff , then the realtor pulled up .
I told her we wasn't interested in the condo now because this guy is a jerk . I flipped him off and left .
She got the guys name and made a complaint to the sellers realtor and they took it to the HOA board . We didn't buy a condo .
Y'all must be real nice fellas. I only treat women as ladies if they behave as ladies.
My standard response to a Karen, regardless of situation or location is a polite “go f$&k yourself “ and walk away.
Back in my wild days I know of a seal or two that got their ass kicked. mtmuley
Yea when I was active duty in Jacksonville, the bar fights were quite entertaining. Funny thing is, 1:1 they had a better chance due to how much training they got over our enlisted guys. Marines dont do 1:1 tho..... Its a joint effort.
So yesterday my sister got married. I run to town after helping decorate where the ceremony was being held (shout out to Angie at the "Silo" great lady beautiful location). I run items to where reception was being held about three miles away. It's crunch time so of course I needed gas and the truck is letting me that it's thirsty. Get gas, get ice, (can't have cold refreshments Mango Habanero whiskey is better chiles in my opinion) get munchies, etc. Make the mistake of asking if anything is needed from town. Get that list go to the other convenience store usualy banter with lady at the counter get those items wait patiently for "Karen" to finish her transaction since I needed one more thing and didn't have the hands to carry it all. She finishes and I'm making my purchase. I'm conversing with cashier as she is commenting on me being in shorts and she feels it's a little underdressed for a wedding and I'm running behind on getting changed then "Karen" interrupts, "Umm...are you driving that white truck? I tell her I am. "Do you live on Terrace lake road or just off of it?" I tell her I do. I'm very curious now. She then asks if she can talk to me. Both the cashier and I have very confused looks on our faces. I tell she has been talking to me, but sure feel free. She has heard that I'm in a bit of rush. I attempt to step out of the way for other customers and she informs me that I said she could talk to me. I politely tell her I'm moving so others can pay and leave. Now I get an eye roll. And am given a medical history and told how her dog was hit by a car and it was her emotional support dog and her service dog for ptsd for her surgeries etc. and she now has a new dog and would appreciate it if I slow down. I explained to her that where she lives is well out of my travel routes especially with the construction going on for the hwy expansion and I'm not the person she is thinking of (any idea how many white trucks there are in Lake County Montana) I start to leave again and she steps in front of me and tells me to wait and starts tobreach towards me. I give her a look of don't touch me I'm leaving and proceed to make my down the ramp. Theres a small group of people at the window and pumping gas that habe witnessed this small melodrama unfolding. Now I'm given the third degree of have I ever driven on her road and reassures that the sheriff is pretty sure they know who it was and will be talking to then and watching for them I'm taking deep breaths and trying to keep my composure while she carries on about my driving habits. I unlock my truck and she looks at it and stops midsentence while she is still letting me know the dangers my driving habits pose to others and asks me "Is this your truck?" I hit the remote start and say I hope so it's the one I have the keys for " She then tells me how the truck suspected of hitting her dog was a Chevy and I have a Dodge." I smile and tell her I'm leaving. I watch as he walk to her rig and I ask, " Is that your Subaru" She tells me it is. I continue to smile as I look at all of the stickers and simply say, "That explains it." And I drove away slightly annoyed at the 15 mins of my life I won't get back. I can't imagine what would've happened if I had been driving a Chevy.
Should’ve told her you had to get rid of your Chevy after you hit a dog.

Yea, I know the thread is a few months old, but I read the whole story so I have a right to post.
I just feel bad for all the real Karens named Karen who aren’t really “Karens” yet suffer the stigma of being called “Karens.”

But yeah I’d have been annoyed too.
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