Kenetrek Boots

"Dodged" A possible full on Karen Moment Yesterday


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2022
So yesterday my sister got married. I run to town after helping decorate where the ceremony was being held (shout out to Angie at the "Silo" great lady beautiful location). I run items to where reception was being held about three miles away. It's crunch time so of course I needed gas and the truck is letting me that it's thirsty. Get gas, get ice, (can't have cold refreshments Mango Habanero whiskey is better chiles in my opinion) get munchies, etc. Make the mistake of asking if anything is needed from town. Get that list go to the other convenience store usualy banter with lady at the counter get those items wait patiently for "Karen" to finish her transaction since I needed one more thing and didn't have the hands to carry it all. She finishes and I'm making my purchase. I'm conversing with cashier as she is commenting on me being in shorts and she feels it's a little underdressed for a wedding and I'm running behind on getting changed then "Karen" interrupts, "Umm...are you driving that white truck? I tell her I am. "Do you live on Terrace lake road or just off of it?" I tell her I do. I'm very curious now. She then asks if she can talk to me. Both the cashier and I have very confused looks on our faces. I tell she has been talking to me, but sure feel free. She has heard that I'm in a bit of rush. I attempt to step out of the way for other customers and she informs me that I said she could talk to me. I politely tell her I'm moving so others can pay and leave. Now I get an eye roll. And am given a medical history and told how her dog was hit by a car and it was her emotional support dog and her service dog for ptsd for her surgeries etc. and she now has a new dog and would appreciate it if I slow down. I explained to her that where she lives is well out of my travel routes especially with the construction going on for the hwy expansion and I'm not the person she is thinking of (any idea how many white trucks there are in Lake County Montana) I start to leave again and she steps in front of me and tells me to wait and starts tobreach towards me. I give her a look of don't touch me I'm leaving and proceed to make my down the ramp. Theres a small group of people at the window and pumping gas that habe witnessed this small melodrama unfolding. Now I'm given the third degree of have I ever driven on her road and reassures that the sheriff is pretty sure they know who it was and will be talking to then and watching for them I'm taking deep breaths and trying to keep my composure while she carries on about my driving habits. I unlock my truck and she looks at it and stops midsentence while she is still letting me know the dangers my driving habits pose to others and asks me "Is this your truck?" I hit the remote start and say I hope so it's the one I have the keys for " She then tells me how the truck suspected of hitting her dog was a Chevy and I have a Dodge." I smile and tell her I'm leaving. I watch as he walk to her rig and I ask, " Is that your Subaru" She tells me it is. I continue to smile as I look at all of the stickers and simply say, "That explains it." And I drove away slightly annoyed at the 15 mins of my life I won't get back. I can't imagine what would've happened if I had been driving a Chevy.
Karen protecting her dogs. (Her mind) Worst possible scenario. Glad you made it out alive
So yesterday my sister got married. I run to town after helping decorate where the ceremony was being held (shout out to Angie at the "Silo" great lady beautiful location). I run items to where reception was being held about three miles away. It's crunch time so of course I needed gas and the truck is letting me that it's thirsty. Get gas, get ice, (can't have cold refreshments Mango Habanero whiskey is better chiles in my opinion) get munchies, etc. Make the mistake of asking if anything is needed from town. Get that list go to the other convenience store usualy banter with lady at the counter get those items wait patiently for "Karen" to finish her transaction since I needed one more thing and didn't have the hands to carry it all. She finishes and I'm making my purchase. I'm conversing with cashier as she is commenting on me being in shorts and she feels it's a little underdressed for a wedding
Cashier was right, you know. Unless it was a Jimmy Buffet theme, I’d also wear slacks for a wedding.
I got yelled at by a Karen once for having my 11 year old in the front seat. Apparently thats illegal.
I got accosted by a Karen for not wearing a bike helmet on a slow ride on a paved bike trail with my kids because I wasn't setting a good enough example despite the fact that they had their helmets, we were out of town, and I was borrowing a bike
I’m embarrassed to say that my patience for these “Karens” has dwindled to zero and I’ve let my temper take over. I go straight to the nuclear option and hit them with a 4 letter word that starts with a hard, soul-piercing “c”. Mic drop it and walk away. Not proud of my actions; just where I am with people at this point.