Do you pass the maximum's


Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
Do any of you guys go beyond the max powder given in reloading books--

I have a couple of times, but ever so cautiously--I have PO Ackeley's manuals and Bob Hagel's that I check along with my various manuals--I don't think I've ever exceeded these guys loads--

disclaimer --you should heed all warnings regarding powder capacities when reloading......chris
I spent several years playing with loads for my .270 ( 25 years ago), finally, someone recommended a load that was a few grains over the Max. in most books. I tried it and bingo, sub MOA.
I do not recommend this load, but it works for me, it approchs 7mm Mag FPS & Lbs, over 2900 fps W/150 gr.
Certainly not in anything but a modern bolt gun.
Ihave one load for my 7 Mag that is about 5% above anything I've found in the manuals. NO signs of excess pressue. Pushes a 162 boattail at 2960. No One is going to get that recipe from me. In THAT rifle it works just fine, but I'd NEVER suggest anyone try it.
My .280 ( M70) did not seem to want to shoot any groups smaller than about two inches until I VERY CAUTIOUSLY eased above max. published loads, 1/2 grain at a time....

The load I settled on is a couple of grains over published max. but shows no pressure signs that I can see... It launches a 140 grain bullet at 3000 FPS and is the most accurate load I have tried in that rifle..I don't intend to press my luck any further.. :eek: .....
Pressure signs are tricky...sometimes you see them, sometimes you don't.
I've got a great computer program called QuickLOAD that gives a pretty good estimate of pressure for any cartridge, powder and bullet...add barrel length and it gives a close velocity estimate. Check it
I have in some rifles. In a couple, I can't come anywhere near the max load. MY .300 Wthby, for example, can only handle 82 gr of IMR-7828 with a 180 gr bullet, while others can easily handle 85 gr.

It all depends on the individual rifle - in any rifle, you have to work up gradually and carefully.
Calif. Hunter---if you like 7828 try the 7828 SSC...same performance but takes up 4 percent less space. You should be able to hit 85 grains.
You guys be very careful with IMR 7828. It's one of my powders of choice for magnum cartridges but it is extremely temperature sensative. It also tends to throw an extreme pressure spike when loaded to max. The latter is especially true when loading for extreme over capacity cartridges like the 264 win mag. It's a great powder that was developed expressly for use in Weatherby Magnum cartridges and will perform well but caution must be taken.

danr55---I've got alot of different load data for the 300 Weatherby that shows anywhere from 80 to 85 grains of 7828 as maximum. Is 85 grains a compressed load?--just curious--
My data for the 300 WBY shows several loads of H-1000 in the 85.5 to 86.5 range that seemed to be about max capacity. I would guess that with some bulkier powders, 85 grains may be compressed. You may have to swirl the powder in the funnel as you pour it.

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