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Do you have an inner monologue?

Do you have a inner monologue?

  • Yes

    Votes: 71 87.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 12.3%

  • Total voters
He's neurotic as hell, incredibly insecure, and is prone to practicing conversations with others that will never happen, all while I'm trying to read about some coefficient of elasticity calculation.

Saw Coefficient of Elasticity Calculation open for Joy Division inside a morgue in the basement of a Pub in London in 75. Do not recommend.
Agree with everyone talking about it being constant and loud, sometimes annoying, as it dives through different arguments, past conversations and how I should have responded, or future interactions at a million miles per hour. I think that’s why I seek out activities that quiet it, things that you have to put your whole consciousness towards and create a singular thought to be good at, like golf or archery or the stalk of a hunt. Extreme concentration quiets things down a bit.
My whole life my inner voice has gotten me in trouble. As a kid I got in trouble because I spent too much time listening to my inner voice rather than my parents or teachers. When I joined the army, I spent too much time listening to my inner voice rather than my so-called superiors. Then it was my wife, supervisors, and pretty much everyone else I encounter. Now it's just the wife, and she's pretty much given up, and all those people out there who are far less interesting than my inner voice.
Mine tends to be more of an outer monologue. Staying silent isn’t something I’m good at, and I do better when I outwardly process…that is to say I’m talking to myself constantly.

So, I do have one, but only when I have to. I’m not just going to call someone hideous to their face, gotta keep that inside!
I don't know if this would make sense but I have thoughts in my head but they are not transcribed. Honestly if I tried to transcribe my thoughts in my head, my thoughts would have to either be slowed way down or the transcription would have to be so fast that it is incoherent, thus confusing me.
I don't think so. Information is coming in, and certainly thoughts are happening, but I am not hearing my own voice play out phrases or conversations in my mind. That just never happens. The closest I can come to it happening is when I write, reread what I wrote, and edit it.

I suppose one's definition of what is or isn't an inner monologue might be the issue.
I feel like someone in your case would have lower average stress and anxiety levels
None of you have an "inner dialog" of all the crap your filter prevented you from saying to your wife? Mine is often in my grandfather's voice because he had absolutely NO filter.

I know my inner voice has some serious coprolalia.
I'm guessing the lack of internal communication explains people who have no social filter.
None of you have an "inner dialog" of all the crap your filter prevented you from saying to your wife? Mine is often in my grandfather's voice because he had absolutely NO filter.

I know my inner voice has some serious coprolalia.
<iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="
">via GIPHY</a></p>
So you're sitting on a glassing knob, looking out over some elk and mule deer. You don't have any thoughts running through your head?

In this situation my inner conversation is going something like this:

“Well sure as heck they have to be the dumbest spot possible and only an idiot would be sitting here contemplating this. So this gives me two routes or so to make a fool of myself if anyone is watching me do this. Oh well, if they are watching me, they aren’t seeing anything either so at least they’ll get some entertainment. Let’s go and mess this up.”

*said with way more inner self-deprecating profanity
At the office I have two halves of my brain working at a pretty fast pace: complex series of highly technical fine motor skills detecting and remove dental disease and repairing that damage (mostly in my head with a few requests from an assistant) and the other half keeping up a near constant stream of almost exclusively one sided conversation with a captive patient in an attempt to distract and comfort said captive.

During outdoors adventures my brain gets really still and focused on nature and the hunt.

I do feel like I get to rarely hear a “still small voice” that I take as Divine inspirational thoughts. Shower time and cutting the grass are prime time for these inspirations.
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