
Do you carry a pistol for bear when elk hunting???

I'm also sure we're all in agreement with you: you're a dick. Thanks for clarifying that. You'll need more than a dictionary to make yourself smart.
I'm intelligent enough to realize what a charging animal is. Also smart enough to know what the topic being discussed is. We're talking about charging bears, and you're posting pics of a gemsbuck that you shot from a close distance.

I really started to question your intelligence or even sanity when you said you can take the rifle off your shoulder, and shoot faster than I can with a pistol.

We can put this to bed pretty quickly. Set a target up, walk 20ft away, start a video recording on your phone, then put your rifle on your shoulder and then take it off and shoot it 3 times as fast as you can. Then go to the target and show where you hit it.

Post your video results. Once you do that, do the same thing off my patio and we'll compare speeds and accuracy.

I'm assuming you won't do this...
I'm intelligent enough to realize what a charging animal is. Also smart enough to know what the topic being discussed is. We're talking about charging bears, and you're posting pics of a gemsbuck that you shot from a close distance.

I really started to question your intelligence or even sanity when you said you can take the rifle off your shoulder, and shoot faster than I can with a pistol.

We can put this to bed pretty quickly. Set a target up, walk 20ft away, start a video recording on your phone, then put your rifle on your shoulder and then take it off and shoot it 3 times as fast as you can. Then go to the target and show where you hit it.

Post your video results. Once you do that, do the same thing off my patio and we'll compare speeds and accuracy.

I'm assuming you won't do this...
You first.

Gemsbuck have been known to kill lions. If you think hooved animals can't kill people, you don't know much about this hunting business. A cow moose huffs, you better find a tree to climb fast.
You first.

Gemsbuck have been known to kill lions. If you think hooved animals can't kill people, you don't know much about this hunting business. A cow moose huffs, you better find a tree to climb fast.
I knew you wouldn't do it.

I never said a hooved animal can't kill people. You're comparing a gemsbuck who wasn't aware you were there to a charging bear. Completely different.
I was just curious how many people carry a pistol when elk hunting to use as bear defense. I am going on my first elk hunt in Montana this year and the land owner has sent me several pictures of bear on his ranch.

Has anyone ever tried to hunt bear near an elk carcass after killing an elk???
I carry a pistol during hunting season, for dickheads and weirdos.
I used to carry every day, but now it's only on occasions where I think there's an increased likelihood of trouble. That being said, I would carry if I were in the bush in bear country. :LOL:
Just to add some more data points to the debate.....

When 10mm ammo has a 180 grain bullet and 1,250 fps muzzle velocity, its muzzle energy is 624 ft lbs.

.270 Win Muzzle Velocity ----- vvvvvvv
130 gr (8 g) SST3,050 ft/s (930 m/s)2,685 ft⋅lbf (3,640 J)
Just to add some more data points to the debate.....

.270 Win Muzzle Velocity ----- vvvvvvv
When dancing with a bear I'd rather have 700 ft lbs of energy out of a 10mm that hits in pretty quick succession instead of trying to punch it or swing a long barreled hunting rifle around. It's clear any rifle has more energy and more knockdown power, but they're not very maneuverable compared to a pistol. And you'd likely only have 1 shot before he's chewing on you. So you better make it count...

Some people act like I'm saying you should go bear hunting with a pistol because it's ideal for killing bears :rolleyes:
Let’s just say spring Turkey calling in the forest by yourself after already hearing a sizable group of yips and howls in the pre dawn stillness is a real brainiac move on my part. They sent a scout, he bout clipped me behind the knee.. I literally open-hand dropped my bow and had my pistol out in about 1.5 seconds as he skirted around me to about 50-60 yards. Disappeared into the timber and came back out with 3 more. Now all 4 are trotting not RUNNING but moving at a steady half run toward me all the way til I bucked a shot at about 25 yards, missing over its back just slightly. They acted like the hyenas on “the lion king”, straight up. Goofy and playful with each other but very intent on semi surrounding me and prancing/running/jumping around in what felt like a sort of intimidation factor. Even when I shot, they ran off in a sporadic and playful pattern, not just a straight line out of dodge. Take it how you will, but it tripped me out bad. I left and as my luck would have it, there were turkeys I missed back at camp over breakfast
That’ll require a new pair of pants for me.
I'm not saying close shots aren't possible with a rifle, but what are you more likely to have ready if you're walking through the brush and bump into a bear? The pistol on your chest, or the rifle slung over your shoulder?
Walking throughthe brush. Learrned a good way to carry a slinged rifle while stationed in Germany. Called the Jaeger carry. I'm right handed and if I sling a rifle while walking the rifle is upside down over my left shoulder witth my left hand holding the forend. Need it fast lift it a bit and twist it up to my right shoulder. You would not believe how fast it is. On top of that my variable scope's are always carried on the lowest power. Makes gettin on target a breeze. I suspect I can get the rifle mounted faster than most people can get a handgun from a holster. My favorite scope is an old Redfield 2 3/4x widefield, very very quick getting on target, For me I much prefer it to my 1-4x scope. Looking a half my barrel on 1x I find a distraction I hunt with that scope on 2x, never drop to 1x.
To expand I carry the Glock 20 because of the number of rounds it holds. While I practice with it I would hardly say I am a marksman. When I first bought my place in Alaska I feverishly set out to find a bear gun and research led me down a different path. Generally I do not carry unless I am in brown bear country and anticipate standing over a carcass where a rifle might not be in arms reach. Most people attacked by bears that survive report never having time to fire a single shot and not even knowing it was coming until the last second. My experienced friends were sitting glassing in Alaska last year when they looked over and a black bear was 10 feet away. They never heard it coming! Fortunately the bear looked at them and just slowly wandered off and they were restrained enough to not shoot it. I guess my point is the best defense is to be vigilant, be very noisy when not hunting and anticipate. Standing over an elk in brown bear country is a good time to anticipate. I only carry the pistol when I do not have a tag and I am supporting a hunt. If we get into thick brush or areas of poor visibility we take the rifles off the shoulders, talk about it and make a plan.
I was just curious how many people carry a pistol when elk hunting to use as bear defense. I am going on my first elk hunt in Montana this year and the land owner has sent me several pictures of bear on his ranch.

Has anyone ever tried to hunt bear near an elk carcass after killing an elk???
I personally always carry my side arm. More so incase of mountain lions.
If I carry a pistol it is a .22 for grouse and small game. Arrows are expensive and if it is gun season well center fire round is loud and not worth the possibility of vaporizing the small game. Bear spray in griz County every time.

I’d post a pic of a charging black bear but I don’t have any. All the black bears I have encountered in Idaho - close distance and far, ran when they figured me out. It’s lots of bears, not a few.
Same. Never had an issue with bears in my area just the mountain lions
I know my way around a pistol somewhat decently. If I had to choose between 3-4 shots from a pistol at a moving target versus one or two shots from a rifle, in my mind that’s a no-brainer.

Anyone that thinks they’re going to effectively, acquire their sights on a moving bear in a life and death situation is delusional. A rifle can easily be fired without using the scope and will be much more accurate and lethal than a pistol.
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If you're well trained and comfortable I'd feel comfortable bringing it. Too many folks don't shoot though and try to buy one and bring it out before a hunt in bear country. I carry a 10mm and bear spray and bear spray is almost always the first thing I reach for. I carry both because like your retirement portfolio, diversity is key;)
I know my way around a pistol somewhat decently. If I had to choose between 3-4 shots from a pistol at a moving target versus one or two shots from a rifle, in my mind that’s a no-brainer. Anyone that thinks they’re going to effectively, acquire their sights on a moving bear in a life and death situation is delusional.
"But a rifle has 2,800 ft lbs of energy" Yeah it doesn't matter if you only have 1 opportunity to put a round on target vs a handful of rounds.