Do resident tags sell out by October?


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2018
North Idaho
If one was not able to purchase their resident deer and elk tags until a few days before the general opener in Octoer would there be tags available? I know some elk zones sell out even for residents, but what about say unit 10? Could a resident by a general deer tag and unit 10 elk tag right before the season anymore or is that over with now?
Maybe? Some capped res tags sell really fast, others not so much but it can be hard to predict
Unit 10 deer is unlimited tags for residents. Unit 10 elk is capped and could sell out.

Any particular reason you couldn’t just buy it?
Thanks. I’ve been trying to find out if last year unit 10 resident sold out by then or not. I plan on visiting or calling the local office soon. Reason I ask is my 6 month proof of residency period goes till Oct 1.

I may or may not know people that got resident licenses and tags within weeks of moving to Idaho at the IDFG office of all places (Walmart was the only one checking for proof). I’d rather do it the right way.
Thanks. I’ve been trying to find out if last year unit 10 resident sold out by then or not. I plan on visiting or calling the local office soon. Reason I ask is my 6 month proof of residency period goes till Oct 1.

I may or may not know people that got resident licenses and tags within weeks of moving to Idaho at the IDFG office of all places (Walmart was the only one checking for proof). I’d rather do it the right way.
I had purchased an archery elk tag for an uncapped unit last year in August, the guy told me every capped unit tag had long been sold out by that point already (whether that was accurate or not, who knows..). It seems over the last 5+ years, tags have been selling quicker and quicker. Best of luck, and at the very least you'll still be able to snag a deer tag!
Caribou Gear

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