So, where is the question?For bowhunters, wearing camouflage is a given. Your shooting distance is much too close not to blend in with your surroundings. However, for the rifle hunter, distance is your advantage so you really don't need to blend in with your surroundings. However, whether I am bow or rifle hunting, I prefer to wear camouflage because the clothing is specifically made for the conditions in which we hunters find ourselves. And yes, I wear a hunter range vest so other hunters can easily spot me and not shoot me. I am reluctant to wear a orange cap because it is a solid color and to easily spotted by wildlife when I'm peeking around cover at them. Camouflage patterns are made outside the visual color range of game animals with the pattern broken up. These hunters cloths are also made for all ranges of field temperatures. And just like the rest of your hunting gear, you will eventually have everything that suits you season after season. For the newbie hunter, I do a lot of my hunting shopping at the Army Surplus Store.