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DIY 2017 Elk hunt

You folks draw NM I'll help as best I can and I can think of a few others who would here. No brainer not to apply in NM,IMHO
WARNING: You guys may not want to go back home after coming out West!!!

Ha! Wifey gave me the green light to go out west to hunt elk with the one condition that I don't uproot the family afterwards and move to CO, WY, MT
HAHAHA, that's pretty much the same thing I was told. She really is supportive in this tho cause she realizes we ain't getting any younger.
I have a buddy coming up from Waverly next year to Western Montana. PM if you are interested in putting something together here.
What's the probability of getting drawn in NM?
Here are a few of the odds from last year. If you applied for unit 53 1st hunt and it was your 1st choice you had a 50% chance of drawing, 2nd choice 11% and 0% if you put it as your 3rd choice. For the 2nd hunt in 53 1st choice 22% chance 2nd and 3rd choice 0%. If you wanted to hunt the Gila unit 16A it gets a little heart breaking, if you applied for 16A 1st hunt as your 1st or 2nd choice you had a 3% chance of drawing. For the 2nd hunt in 16A you have a 1% chance of drawing. If you try for 16B/22 which is mostly wilderness you have about a 10% chance of drawing. Best thing to do is have a back up plan to hunt some place else but everyone has the same odds of drawing no point system in NM. Hope this makes sense to you.

What's the probability of getting drawn in NM?
Not exactly sure of odds for NR's anymore. They changed %#'s a few years back.
I was 6 for 8 in the NR draw for MB,MZ & AW,spaced over 15 years. 5 for 8 now as res.
I know 4NR HTer's who drew pretty good tags last year. Hell, one even did a party tag deal,him & a buddy,they both drew.Think the guy & his buddy does movies or sumpin'...LOL

On second thought,forget NM. I like folks thinking you need a passport to visit and it's so .....3rd world.

Good Luck & Good Hunting!
Warning - For those newbies that are considering going take a minute and think about what your getting into. Going Elk hunting will ruin your desire to hunt anything else, consume your thoughts forever, and have a impact on your financial future. :)

Extremely accurate! I have very little desire to chase whitetail anymore. I'm hooked on the western game.
What's the probability of getting drawn in NM?

My dad and I drew our first year of applying on a late rifle season. It was a great hunt, just warmer that I would have liked. We saw and were in elk everyday, but just never got a shot at a mature bull. We drew the tag as a 2nd choice and odds were about 13%. It is definitely worth applying! I might suggest that one of you signs up for gohunt.com so that you have access to it for research. It really helps a lot.
I too plan on going out west for Archery Elk. I have 10 pts in AZ, but not ready to cash them in yet ( I don't think), but plan on trying my luck in NM with a back up plan of OTC in southern Colorado. I will apply for KY and PA as well, but have little optimism of getting a tag there.
BDH, hank4elk an the rest of you guys. Thanks for the advice an statistics, I'll definitely do some research on NM.
One other question. I'd like to take my father out there but he has physical limitations. I know there are some units in CO that offers the use, or at least limited of some sort, of atv's. Do any of you guys have any knowledge of units like this in MT, NM, WY or UT? Or know of any areas that would be a good place to take a 60 year old man with 4 joint replacements?
This is what the forum is all about.. I too am planning on my own otc trip next year so I will be watching this thread closely..

Be in touch with me on how its going. I have a couple thoughts about what I am planning to do, but may be interested in talking it over with others in the area!
I am also going a DIY 2017 Elk Hunt for my first time in CO, are there any other hunters in here looking to hook up/discuss a 1st season rifle hunt this year? I'm really looking into the NW part of CO and want to do some backpacking. Great thread!
Ha! Wifey gave me the green light to go out west to hunt elk with the one condition that I don't uproot the family afterwards and move to CO, WY, MT

I have a plan to overcome that, but so far it has not come together .... get my daughter and SIL to relocate to CO (they love it there). Because if they move, so does our granddaughter and it will be a lot easier for me to get my wife to relocate.
I live in Birminham, Al and an avid turkey hunter, sometime deer hunter. Lived in Colorado for 4 years while in the army. Hunted elk with a rifle twice there. I am going to bow hunt elk in the fall of 2018 if I have to go by myself. Can't go this fall because I have a trip to Missouri already planned. Would love to team up with a few guys to split driving and costs. I have lots of friends that want to go but are really not serious about going.

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