Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

digital camcorders


New member
Apr 2, 2002
I am looking into buying a digital camcorder, I was wondering what some of you would recomend for a entry level camera?
Digital 8?
I plan on uploading to the pc and making dvd's.

I have kinda taken a liking to the canon zr85 minidv.

any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
I have a Sony Mini DV and it is awesome. Takes great still pics too. Night shot the whole works and easily fits into a coat pocket. The only bad thing is the mini memory sticks are spendy lil buggers.
SO give me some ideas on a good cam corder

I need to start shooting some high quality vids( you know with out my feet in them)

Which one is easiest to hook to a PC and what software to use, hows the quality?

I was drooling over that cannon 200 but for $1500 I think I will try something smaller

My camcorder died .

Delw, if you can affor a grand then there is only one way to go!!!! the panasonic gs400. I bought a Canon optura40 and its great but sucks in low light. Good light the optura picture quality is unreal!! better than broadcast over the air and a hair shy of DVD quality. If the GS400 was out when i was shopping i would have got that one. The only downsize it that is a little larger than a lot of the other minidv units.
But... i did i lot of research when i bought mine and found that if you do not get one with a large size lense you will not get good low light performance.
Get a minidv and then install a firewire card to your PC. I bought one on ebay for 15$ and it came with a 15$ firewire cable, it works great and was 25% of the cost of a store. Why not get on the list to see my Elk DVD and see what i did with just my camcorder and an editing program.*-
This is the one I been looking at,

Its a gl2 not a 2000like stated in the above post.
I got to play with one one day and it was awsum.

Ive seen some used ones for about $1000 with warrenties.

I understand about the lowlight stuff and small lens.

some of those ones that are around 300-400 bucks look pretty good as well. I am making a cd catalog for my business and was going to add some vid also.
will do about the elk list
That is an awsome recorder but the physical size is the only downsize. The great thing about what i got is you can fit it in a fannypack without taking up much room. But if you dont do a lot of pack in trips it wont matter i guess.
I just bought me a new Canon GL2, but they are a bit more expensive than the $1K you are talking about. I hope to be getting some great video soon with this camera as it has a lot better quality than the others I have used.
I bought a Canon ZR65 last year, but I wasn't happy with it for what I wanted. It is a great entry level camera for not a lot of bucks.. ($300-400 ?)..
Both of these Canons are MiniDV which I think is a good way to go!!
I have narrowed my search down to two vid's. The Canon ZR90 and the Panasonic PV-GS14. The reports say the Panasonic is rated better and is much better in low-light conditions. If anyone has the Panasonic can they give me their take on it.
