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Did you get your big mulie fix?


New member
Feb 25, 2004
Anybody go down to SLC for the ISE :how bout you B_F_E? Did you go hang with the crybabies? Doe ray me fah so lah tee.

Anyways..............talking to one of my friends from Utah
(yeh, smart-ass
I told you I have friends in "color country" and they aint black, LMAO) He said lots to see as far a mule deer go although the place was full of potential poachers. People lined up in the aisles like two legged sheep, baaaaahhhh....baaaaaaaaahhhhh. :D

Anybody notice the latest mule deer painting that Randsom Owens did? Big buck bedded in the quakies?

I'm contemplating how OSOK is going to add something constructive to this discussion.

"Beavis I have seen the mountain and the mountain is good." Butthead circa 1994

Give some feedback, if you please.

I'll plead the 5th on the Utard and mule deer ??? Besides I don't know chit about those 2 things anyway. ;)

Only thing I'm thinkin about right now, is the promotion stucture around this joint!!! I realize I havn't had much input as of yet that has ment anything to anybody. But good hell, shouldn't a guy get at least one star for stickin his neck on the chopping board??? :D
There you go. your a 5 star general.
Now dry your eyes and go sell some poor sap a liability policy or sumptin.

The question stands on the ISE in SLC and Randsom Owen's new mulie painting...............
give it to me the unadulterated version of course.
OSOK, you are already a 5 star general in my book

Moosie kind of ironic, you saying some else is rambling,

Buckspy, you made perfect sense to me, since I'm special ed. with honors, can't help it if Mr fragmented thinking himself, hasn't a clue.

However the ISE acronym, I'm still struggling with, hell I just figured out what WTF & B_F_E meant,

As far as your sound of music rendition, that must be one of those "had to have been there" type deals, some where, on location in Colorado.

I'm glad you picked up the piss-baby reference before it got zapped.

As far as the color-country goes, thats in reference to my big feet & associated anatomy.

& as far as Randsom goes, used to really like his stuff, however his quality is wanning, only my opinion, he guides now & I understand he goes a good job.

Lastly, good to know ya, have some friends from the beehive state, I must warn you though, other than Ransom I don't know any VIP's or movie stars like yourself.
"ISE" B_F_E Mr Special Ed indead !!! It's in most of the Eastmans Ramblings and pretty much well known... Maybe you should Pay attension more.....

Lay off the Liquor
Wait a second now. It's a good thing I ain't any slower than I already am. Otherwise it might slip right on by me, that you were still talkin chit about my brother!!?? :eek:

Liquor??? No, no, no, no. You got it all wrong, buddy. See, livin were I do, w/ all the hippies, granolas, kalifornicated immigrants and such has its economical advantages. Especially if a guy is as down right enterprising and quick witted as myself! :rolleyes:

You see, BCBaggins (Dup, I laughed my ass off when I read that), and I are pullin this wool over everybodies eyes. Ya'll think I'll be making my trek northward this fall to chase Muy massive in dem dar hills. Thang is. It ain't the only reason for making the trip. Sure w/ a lil thought you can figure the rest out! :D
There B_F_E is a five star general too. I didn't know you were a gynecologist B_F_E. :eek:

I know, I know. For every pretty little rose there are a hundred that look more like they came from a farm animal/human hybrid.

You are an enigmatic figure there OSOK and with alot of thought......... I have no idea WTF you are talking about. How old were you when they let you out of the ward.

Did anybody see the sheep line up behind the founder at MM when he got Hatch and Moss videos yanked from his hock shop? I guess thats what you get when you let other dogs bite the hand that feeds you. A little goes along way.

B_F_E I think you'll like Randsom's latest.

Pretty bold design move with a backlit monster in the quakies and snow. Very very pretty.
Buckspy, Post a link on the Uprising at, I'm always interested in seeing chit like that .
It's under the Mule deer forum. Think the thread is "I'm Banned", by you know who!

"Pleathze be niiiths", in my best computer lithsp!!! :D
AHHHH Shit.. The Emails are Already pouring in :D Here is my Post. Unlike some of you, I have nothing against Brian or Monster Mulies..But I do like to say whats on my mind. On the net and in person :D

:Will this get nuked ?!?!:


I'd like to Illistrate and Elaborate more on what Bura Nut said.

I don't know Ryan or Doyle but I do know that a Bunch of Blow hards shoot off their mouth and think they are experts. (Yes you guys, I'm an internet Blowhard. I'll beat some schmuck to the punch
). Ryan and Doyle are hunters and work hard at it I'm sure. I know alot of Successful hunters that get the bad wrap sometime in their deal by a bunch of pansey A$$ wine babies that would rather badmouth someone that works hard at hunting then really look into the facts. Thats where I'm at here....

Unlike these too guys, I can take critisism from most internet Dweebs because it doesn't affect my lively hood nor do I give a Rats ASS about Joe Fence hunter in texas or Big BOB JIM that says he shoots 200" deer every year in AZ. I'm guessing I'll get hammered by the "TROOPS" for posting my opinion but I'm alright with that.

All that being said, Sorry you got "BANNED" Brian, I know you're just trying to make a few extra clams to do what you like to do and I enjoyed talking with you on the phone when I first joined (If you remember

You also need to take critisism and if you're going to run a BIZ, you need to figure out if it's worth it. You let some Internet Shmucks badmouth these guys and you must have not thought it was worth it to stop it to keep those sponsors. Just like "THEY" don't think they need younow that it happened. (If I understand the History here). You act like you don't need them. Either way, I hope everyone can Sleep at night.

I'mm off to Scout for a Forked horn to shoot this fall, take care and may the Hunting gods bless you all !!!

  • </font>[*]-Moosie </font>
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
How come you ain't yanked your video? Must be cause everyone is afraid you'll kick their ass if they were to try their jealous crap on you. LMAO! The Jolly Green Giant might rip them a new one. LMFAO!!! I really think that both Moss and Hatch need to jump online and kick some cyber ass and not take any more of the shit from the whining Utards in MM land.
BTW, Just got my copy of Nuts about Bucks the other day from Ryan. Friggin' Awesome!!! Those sheds give me wood just thinkin' bout them. Gawd, I need to find some Bone like that this spring. Do ya think I'll be able to find anything like that in my lifetime? A guy can dream.
Not hardly a sheep Mike.
Just think it is wrong that a couple idiots bad mouth a couple videos and they get Brian in trouble.
I know that the posts should have been whacked but does anyone have the time 24-7 to watch a site?
Just my opinion.
Speaking of Big Bucks and BC (here I go again. LMAO) here's a buck that the UTARD's will never see the caliber of. LOL! This thing has a mainframe that grosses 233 3/8. Does this qualify as a MAGNUM MULIE? :eek:
That buck really has some potential, not bad as is though. Don't make me post some real buck pics
Apparently they feel strongly about it Jerry.
I'm not going to rehash all the whens and whys but I can't say as I blame them. If I was getting raked over the coals on a forum with some regularity and the guy running the site was selling my videos and making money off me and not taking a strong stand on it..................I'd probably yank them too.
Just cause that dink of Burris' was taken in CO don't mean you have to think it's the best. LOL! :D Even though this one is a nontypical, and I know how you hate trash, is this one considered BIG? It only nets 290.
NICE!! OK, thats big, I'll concede. Stay tuned for a few big Colorado bucks... tomorrow. Gotta get my beauty sleep.
I know what you are saying Mike. I guess he could have been a little harder on the jerks by banning them since they kept doing it.

BCBOY-Great pictures of some dream bucks.
Keep the photo's coming.

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