Did we meet?

I think if we all simply wore a hat or shirt with our HT handle on it, people who know, would know.

I’ve met a few characters from HT IRL and everyone has been great so far! But there’s also a list of people I’ve never met that I think would be a real kick in the pants. @Europe, you’re my #1 😁
Been looking for a Stewart Granger safari model...
No but I know what to look for in region 6, the multi millionaires, top shelf, only and only, s10 doe smoker rig.

Maybe memories first so he can tell me what my real handle is on HT, cause I don't even know what that is.
? Confused. I said if i ever learned your real name attached to the handle, ‘EyJonas’
Well, I don't know if I've meet any Hunt Talkers out in the woods, but I think I crossed paths with Cameron Hanes, in fact he might have saved my life!

Several years ago I was hiking out of the San Juans at dusk and a freak snowstorm hit. Within minutes the trail became slick and treacherous. The trail snaked along the side of a steep canyon and of all things it became blocked by a giant tractor tire, WTF!! As I stared in disbelief pondering my fate, I heard footsteps coming up behind me at a rapid pace. A ghostly figure materialized out of the falling snow, wearing an Under Armour t-shirt and what looked like bike shorts.

"Step aside old man"

I complied.

The figure grabbed the giant tractor tire and with a grunt sailed it into the dark abyss below.

The figure then resumed running down the trail, glanced back at me and shouted,

"Keep hammering"


So I doubt I'll ever meet any Hunt Talkers who can top that!
HT secret code phrase? I suggest "Pus filled rectal abssess." Difficult for non member to accidentally have that come up in a conversation.

I rarely meet anyone in the field and when I do they're usually more interested in my dogs than me. I'm fine with that. If I wanted conversation I'd go to the bar. Barmaids get paid to yack. May as well put them to work. No one expects work to be enjoyable. I go hunting to experience the outdoors. I get enough of people and civilization the rest of the year.
The rules for a HT passphrase:
1. Has to have been a Talkie nominee.
2. Should also invoke Barry Wood.
3. New Mexico 5 alarm chili stories.
4. What would Uncle Larry say?
So it's either, "Bleep, Bleep, Bleep", "Death by Dysentery", " Don't click a Greenhorn link", "There's a marmot in my truck", or "Burn your poop".

You better be careful doing that in this day and age. We'll read about you in the news. mtmuley
That's what Senator Larry Craig said...
I've met a couple guys from hunttalk. Fowl Hunter is a heck of a guy. I met him on his sheep hunt. After talking with him my Elk/Deer hunt became keep an eye out for sheep.

Tried to wave Big Fin down twice in Idaho... I don't think he ignored me but was just so excited to be hunting he didn't see me. First time he drove past I was like, "why does that plate say OYOA." Oh yeah o...., obviously your on..., oh you old ass? ON YOUR OWN ADVENTURES! Holy shit that's Randy Newberg!

He's so happy to be hunting it's like prying your teenager sons attention away during desperado when Salma Hayek is nude... He's THAT into it.
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I’d love to meet each and every one of you personally! You never know who you’re gonna jive with. This HuntBook can’t be for the birds in terms of trying to base real friendships