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Did I became that guy...


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2022
So I just joined the Hunt Talk Forum Family and I believe I will now be removed and no one will ever speak to me again.

A kid I work with expressed his interest in hunting. I encouraged it I mean why not, he served our country in Iraq, he's enthusiastic, he grew up hearing the stories from grandpa and dad hunting. He already had the coals, I fanned the flame and he added the wood and the fire is burning hot.

He asked if I would go with him. I agreed, I mean hell, I'm 43 he's in his mid twenties, why not take this young man into the hills of Montana and see what we can find. He's looking on OnX he's reading the regs, he's showing he's taking this serious.

Last night I learn he's waiting for his tags and had been speaking with his dad and dad says grandpa and I are coming to Montana next year. Grandpa wants to hunt Montana Mule Deer. Will Dave (that's me) go to and can he help us find someplace to take Grandpa.

It was relayed Grandpas hiking days aren't what they used to be. I can relate to this, I posted yesterday about my old man and his limited hiking ability. Before I could stop myself and think the request through, I heard my outer saying, "I'm sure we can figure something out and find a spot for grandpa to set up..." My inner voice is saying "What are you doing?? Do you not remember what you read earlier about Mule Deer pressure, and people from out of state chasing them all over creation, you bonehead!! (cleaned that bonehead comment up a bit in case kids are reading). Before I could recant my statement I hear on the other end of the line, " Oh damn Dave, I would be enterally grateful if you helped give them a chance at getting something, I'll even pay for the gas."

I've wrestled with this since last night and finally came to this conclusion so here it is.
1.) They were coming anyway
2.) I love to hunt.
3.) I love introducing others to the outdoors
4.) Others showed the old man and I kindness being a MT transplant from Michigan when the family moved here in '88. Time to pay it forward
5.) I remember the look in the old man's eyes when he watched my daughter take her first deer, 6.) To help what would be three generations hunt together for the first time. What an honor.
7.) If they decide to come back as much as they can, I have an opportunity to see their hunting etiquette and help correct what might be considered faux pas by others.
8.) Gonna kick some out of state money into the Montana Economy Cofer.
9.) Chance to see some new country.
10.) New friendships can be forged.

Try as I might I can't recant. I'm gonna take 'em huntin. So fellow residents of Big Sky Country let the bashing begin or tell me if I'm doing the right thing. Either way I can take it.
Not a resident, but being nice, being helpful, and being kind is never a bad move. But I will say that the decision to be that way, or to not be that way, is completely up to the individual and no one should make you feel bad about deciding to choose either option.
A generous deed promised is stressful. A generous deed fulfilled is blissful. This act may cement the grandson into the hunting life. If you had told them no, it might go otherwise.
It is perfectly legit to communicate your ethics and boundaries, but the deed is worth seeing through.

You are 43. Even if Gramps doesn't tag out, you will have memories of doing this until you are his age. If he does punch his tag, you will be over the moon.

As I have gotten older (I'm 60), I have gotten more interested in paying it forward this way. As you get older, there less of the "forward" to work with.

My dad is 88. He might be able to sit in a blind and shoot, but he struggles with the traveling. I would give anything to spend even one more day in the field with him.

You got this.
A generous deed promised is stressful. A generous deed fulfilled is blissful. This act may cement the grandson into the hunting life. If you had told them no, it might go otherwise.
It is perfectly legit to communicate your ethics and boundaries, but the deed is worth seeing through.

You are 43. Even if Gramps doesn't tag out, you will have memories of doing this until you are his age. If he does punch his tag, you will be over the moon.

As I have gotten older (I'm 60), I have gotten more interested in paying it forward this way. As you get older, there less of the "forward" to work with.

My dad is 88. He might be able to sit in a blind and shoot, but he struggles with the traveling. I would give anything to spend even one more day in the field with him.

You got this.
The emotion in my coworker's voice pretty much sealed it. I really want to give his grandpa, his dad, and him the best opportunity. At least they all know it's not a guarantee. Got a year to get a plan in place and then when that doesn't work just send it and see what we find. Thank you for support.
Good on you! If you’re near Bozeman and need extra help I’d be honored! Kickass!
FoodlsMemories I will keep that in the front burner. I cannot thank you enough for that offer. That's the kindness that was offered to my old man and I. Truth be told Bozeman area crossed my mind. I'm looking at terrain and such for co-workers grandpa. I have never hunted there. Been to Dillon a few times and know Lima area very well. Co-worker will hike until his feet fall off and so will his dad.
Hey I was solidified into a hunting lifestyle after growing up in a fishing and firearm safe/friendly home by a gentleman at Billion Dodge, that took my dad (coworker) and me out to elk hunt for the first time, and we both got our first cow elk that morning. It was miserably cold, windy deep snow and my old man disappeared for hours to get a 4wheeler I was so scared to be with this guy, a stranger.. I remember shaking so violently I was so cold and my sleeves were rock solid frozen from blood- the guy made me climb into the elk until I’d thaw enough to help him keep dragging, in a Medusa-gaze fashion.. it was the best and worst time of my life. Since then I’ve gotten 3 people into hunting and one of them two bucks the last two years. There is no better feeling.
I will never forget that trip and how it impacted me. I will never forget who I got my first compound bow from or who I was with when I shot all my firsts and how they impacted me. It is said that every single person you come in contact with in this world will impact you or you will impact them in some way, for better or worse. I aspire to impact everyone that I meet positively, and that when they remember me, it carries a positive connotation. It goes for any HTer, if you need my help, reach out. If you are walking the streets cuz you’re fighting with your old lady and can’t get a hotel, reach out. If you’ve got a 47” bull moose down 8 miles in, climb to the top and reach out to me. For real.
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