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dgibson: The Not-So-Great White Hunter (pics!)


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
Much to my surprise, someone off-premises accused me of being an "armchair hunter," having never really hunted anything because I never posted pictures on websites to prove myself. An even greater surprise was that the accusation actually stung a little.
I thought a man's word was good enough, and it's not like I'm bragging about bagging world records without substantation...sheez.

So, anyway, for fear that someone here might have similar evil thoughts rolling around in their head, here's the micro-version of My Hunting Life. I've never taken pictures of myself or my kills, preferring the memories instead, but here's what I've got:

I started hunting with Dad when I was a wee lad...I can't tell you what age. We hunted squirrels almost exclusively for years, then picked up rabbits when I was big enough to follow along. I can tell many tales of small game: The Fingernail Squirrel, The Last-Ditch-Effort Squirrel, The Squirrel That Became Two Squirrels, The Unkillable Rabbit, The Rabbit of Many Pieces...I can go on for hours.

Dad wasn't much on deer hunting in my youth, because he had a bad experience in the Pumpkin Patch when he was younger. I finally talked him into trying deer hunting again in 1998. Since then I have taken a few deer a year; while Dad was alive, it was one buck & one doe. Since he died it's been nothing but does, by my choice. The racks below are nothing special to anyone but me; the left is from my first deer, and the right is from the last deer I took before Dad died:


Here's a nice one (by local standards) that came sometime in between. I've never been much for scoring and such, and just cut the antlers off with the idea of making a set of rattling horns out of them:


Someday I'll get around to those rattlers. There was another buck about as good as this one, and several does before and since.

I took up turkeys in 2000, knowing very little about what I was doing except what I had read in the popular magazines. This is my first and last turkey, taken the same year I started on my third hunt:


The beard measures somewhere between 9 and 10 inches, and the spurs were right at an inch (I only measured them because Dad said "How damn long are those things, anyway?"). The turkey weighed about 24 pounds and was apparently a fairly old bird, but I had no idea at the time that any of this was considered good. What I did know was that he was very good eating. Since then I've been skunked every year, mainly by my own amateurish mistakes; but the first one hooked me for life.

I have never waterfowled; I have hunted quail a few times, but usually in conjunction with rabbits; I've tried coyotes once or twice, and have been the bane of a handful of groundhogs.

Well, there you go. I am not the Mighty Western Hunter and have never claimed to be. Like it or lump it, and if you choose to lump it, well...that's too bad for you.
D....If they can not take you for who you are tell them to go ----off. It doesn't matter if you hunt or not. Who cares? Certainaly not me. You seem like a very genuine type of man and if they can not take the word of you and the people that have had the pleasure of hunting with you, and towing you out of a situation, and wh have enjoyed your company, well you don't need them. Tell them to go to HELL. Pictures don't mean squat, but what you hold inside means everything.

You ought to be posting pictures of Turkey Eye's buck, as what you did for that kid is as a big of an accomplishment as any. You should be damn proud of helping "the back east kid" kill the critter of a lifetime.

As long as you ain't huntin' like some Fat-Assed ATV Rider or walking around behind a High Fence, killing pen raised critters, you are a hunter, in my book. Just think of the pressure on ol'Greenhorn, if he kills a Raghorn, he will have let down all his fan club.

Look at the "Adventures with....." series. Hell, Moosie and I don't kill that much chit, but we sure laugh the whole time... (note: we could kill more stuff, but Moosie kinda hurts the team average...)

Keep enjoying what you do, and keep taking kids hunting. Hell, I'd fly to Kentucky to bring the GirlGunner out to whack one of them Dinky Rat Deer....
Darren, in the world of the trophy hunters all you have to do is post a pic of Codie's bucks. They are yours as much as his.

(I hope to bring the mount to the 2004 Hillbilly fest just so we can get pics of TE and you with it.)

In the world of hunting you understand more than most do. It is about the sharing of memories that are the true trophies. I am honoured to share some with you and hope to share more. ( When you coming to Ohio?

You are a hunter in the truest sense. But to me you are a friend.
Well, thankee very much, folks. Having cooled off and regained my manly composure,
I look back on this post now and just laugh....Well, no, not really. I generally don't care what folks think of me, but for someone to imply that I don't even hunt (however badly
)...well, that just chaps my hide.

I think I'll petition B&C to start a small game division. I will OWN the squirrel section! Maybe we'll measure their skulls like bears. "Yep, I got me a two and 4/8-incher yesterday."

Nut, I'm going to get this year's season schedule for Ohio and make it a point to travel up there. Maybe if I make plans 6 months or so ahead my wife won't change them for me.
Those are some nice racks for Kentucky!
You have nothing to be worried about, you're a hunter. Besides, chasing those tree rats is heap big fun!
My name is Mojave, and I am a non-hunter.

Big AA style group hug for me

It dooesn't matter though because the HuntTalkers love me ........and I have a nice rack too.

We all love you anyway too gibs!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mojave:
My name is Mojave, and I am a non-hunter.

Big AA style group hug for me

It dooesn't matter though because the HuntTalkers love me ........and I have a nice rack too.

We all love you anyway too gibs!

Like Gibson, i think you need to show pics of your big rack to proove it.
Geesh, cant believe no one beat me to that one!
Yeah we'll show you ours if you'll show us... "ooooooops; wrong thread!!" !!
'd', it's all about the memories of the hunt that you will carry for the rest of your life, not what any other loser might say that really counts for some thing...
D I hunt and am successful sometimes but it's what my senses bring in from the woods that I remember. My grandfather had me pick up a rock on my first hunting trip, when I asked why he said "then if we don't shoot anything, you will have brought back something."

To this day I pick up a rock on any trip into the mountains, like you said it's a memory thing. I still tote the first rock from job to job and remember my granddad.

The funny thing is, we got skunked that day but it's one of my best hunting memories ever. I still have the trophy to prove it.

It's not the pictures or the racks that make a hunting trip memorable but the people and the surroundings that you always remember. I think I have taken about 4 pictures of game I have killed in all the years.

Don't let the other guys get to you. The ones here at my job that brag the loudest hunt 1 day a year but always seem to harvest the same deer year after year.
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