Kenetrek Boots

Deposit ($50) received list (9th edit-booked up).

Are there 16 spots available because there are 16 beds in the lodge or is there another reason? If it is a matter of beds available you can deduct 2 beds for Jim (my buddy from Okla) and myself. We will be driving down in his motorhome and as long as we can plug into electricity someplace we can sleep in the motorhome. I know this group so before Del says something sarcastic, like, why do you need electricity to sleep? I best explain, lol. I would like to have some sort of light in the morning so I don't stumble and fall inside the motorhome. If this opens up 2 spots then the number could go to 18. Obviously if there is another reason,,,,I tried.


I think the reason for 16 hunters is to make for a higher quality hunt not the availability of beds.
16 is a limit because of spots to hunt where we are not on top of one another. The blinds are big enough for two to sit in, if those two can flip a coin or something to decide who shoots. If two different hunters prefer two different rams, they could hunt together. Whose ever preference ram shows up, then has first choice on shooting it. We could double up that way without hurting our hunt much. I guess if both shot some big something or other, the head could be split, one gets a left and one gets a right skull mount? With several archery hunters we could go to 17 or 18. Heck, friday afternoon, several might shoot a ram, then we would have spots open saturday morning for sure. Those that shoot early, double with others the next time out. Moosie, CA hunter, and Tom (me) have sort of volunteered to give up our spot for others if needed, so Delw is in probably. We can do sleeping in the motel in town too if Shaky and your friend don't want to drive the motor home. The ranch entrance is 2 miles down a rock road off the paved road, through a creek bottom. How big is the motor home? We have to check if any that long have made it through the creek bottom. Maybe you could park it in town but then we would have to pick you up if that was your only vehicle. The motel has lights, you can use a flashlight. I'll sleep in the back of my truck or a tent if need be. We'll work this out, if you want to bring the motor home. Who wanted to doe hunt? I found some $150 does on a ranch approx. 50 miles from the ram ranch and the $35 out of state liscence lasts 2 days longer than the ram hunt. That gives two days to get a doe. Who else wanted to send a check for deposit that hasn't yet? Anybody still thinking about it? I want to get an idea of how big the overflow might be, who else is considering it, i.e. the spring ram hunt?
Jimmy and I both want to go and we would like to hunt as long as someone doesn't have to sit at the lodge while we do it. It's not a big deal for Jim and I to go on another weekend, since we live so close.

If you have extra places, let us know. If not, can we pay something to come and camp and hang out with everyone???????

I will inform Jim of the type of terrain he would have to drive across to get to the lodge. He can then decide if he wants to take the motorhome or not. The motorhome is 38' long and is a "bus type". I "think" that means the front end looks like a tour bus or a greyhound type bus. If anybody is familair with motorhomes it is a 38' Intruder.

I will E-mail Jim next week and get back to you since he left this past sunday on a deer hunt for a week.

I don't know if anybody has checked airfares or not. Here is what I have found so far: Cleveland to San Antonio for $104.00 round trip - NorthWest Airlines. That "may" give you an indication of how low airfares are at the current time. Dave and myself will be flying into San Antonio in Jan for a hog, doe, javelina, dove hunt. Thats why I checked air fares from Cleveland to San Antonio.

I wish all of you a safe and productive season.

DaleT, It would be great for you and Jimmy to come hunt too. We will be getting close to the limit on hunters when you two and Delw get the deposit in. Thompson used to have 20 hunters per weekend, so I think between his A-frame lodge building pictured at the web page and the mobile home and all the bunk beds in it, that we all could stay at the ranch. If some wives or someone would like too there is a like $40/night motel about 10 miles away in town.

Ok, 38ft trailer, I'll ask Thompson about the possibility of getting one on the ranch. The creek bottom is the problem, kind of steep, down and up that.
TOM, I drove a DODGE intrepid (LOW RIDER RENTAL) up that canyon.. I just couldn't go fast, BUT made it up and out several times fine
I think that should be OK.

I think that We can GET a few more in there... We'll figure out the hunting when we're there... IF we need to HAVE 3/4 hunt Sat morning and the unsuccessful ones hunt SAT AFTERNOON, well so be it

I think some might even score and be done on Friday Afternoon.... I got 2 critters Friday this year when I went.... If 4 peopel do that.. THAN no Problem !!!

AND, If people understand the situation, before they book, then it will be OK. LIKE I said, I'm going just to MEET people and probably won't wack any critters. I think a few are like that ?!?!?!?

I think the MORE the MERRIER !!!! BUT thats just me. ALSO, Once the list tapers down and we have all the PARTIES INVOLVED.. We aught to think about Dinners and/or STUFF. I TOOK Calif. hunter and 5 Louisianna boys to a DINNER BUFFET over in the nearby town Friday night I think. It was a Decent GRUB place.. I was thinking the Friday we could ALL head over and SIT and be MERRY at that place ?~?~?~? Just a thought.... LEt me know Tom... MAybe we could reserve 20 spots :D
Moosie, Great idea on the restaurant! Many will have traveled a long way. We can visit without having to worry about cooking. We can sit at a table. We can have our beer tasting/ratings. If we each taste an ounce or two of 16 beers, we'll be ok, and we can all rate every beer. At least whoever wants to participate could. Rate each one as
Good, Better, Great, Excellent, World Class.
We can score these 5,4,3,2,1 and get the mean of all ratings. Done, we have all the beers rated. We each only need to bring a couple of beers for the contest then and its manageable. I have an amp somewhere, we can probably raise the volume loud enough to be heard over any roudiness to get peoples attention. We can arrange for sausage to be ready also if we work at it, for those who want to take ram sausage back with them. Dry sausage I could even mail later, but frozen stuff is expensive to mail later so we should eventually get this organized.
I am more interested in meeting everyone. I will be taking my bass boat just for the hell of it..I dont mind archery hunting if I need to... Either way its ok with me.... I can always hit one of those other places if we run out of room.. I am easy going...
but everyone who got there deposit in before me gets first dibs I like the left over stuff LOL

OK Tom with the help of a sponsor I have money for airfare now.So this means if it is alright with everyone if I go I can,YAHOOOO :D :D .Let me know if it is ok then I will send you the $50.00 in the mail ok. Thanks for everything all. ;)

Thanx Kraven

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ November 14, 2001 21:59: Message edited by: Kraven ]</font>
KRAVEN.... I was holding you a SPOT.... YOU will have to bring quarters though.. I'll explain LATER :D :D

J/K ;)
Kraven, You're in, mail it. Great, maybe you can fly to Colorado or some other place in between and drive with somebody driving. If people don't want to double up, several have already said they would give up their spot. The optional hog place has $180 rams also. Bring your bass boat, I don't know. We could work on a gulf fishing outing also. They have half day and one day charter boats that hold a bunch of people for like $100/day/person or something like that. Maybe we should add that option?
Hot damn,boy that felt good to say that thanx again to my sponsor and to all of you good folks here at Moosies forum.Oh Moose now I need to get a hat from ya for the hunt (requirement I think right)I can probably get that from ya in Texas or by mail I suppose.Let me know how much fo hat. :D

Unfortunately I will not be going on the hunt after all. If anyone wants the three spots that I had reserved, it is ok with me, they can just reimberse me. Sorry for the hassle.
I would definitely like to get in if there is room..I don't know what it is all about, but if someone wwould give me the details I'd appreciate it.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bear Creek Adventures:

Unfortunately I will not be going on the hunt after all. If anyone wants the three spots that I had reserved, it is ok with me, they can just reimberse me. Sorry for the hassle.


Are you telling me that I have to drive ALL THE WAY to New Mexico and grab you by the short hairs and drag your scrawny little arse to Texas? Hey man, sign back on again. You're one of the reasons I am going, as well as meeting others and having a good time.

Tell you what, if you don't go I am going to loosen your saddle when we hunt together :D :D

Now, quit all that pouting and get back on the list. Damned KIDS,

(I need somebody to help me carry/drag that monster sheep back to the lodge)

Oh wait, I don't drag, thats the guides job LOL


P.S. I'm still mad at you
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