Democrat Gregoire Wins Wash. Governor Race

AHHHH the witch hasnt won yet.Looks like they counted the disqualified ballots in King County so hopefully something will come of this and we arent screwed for another 4 years like we have been for the last 24 yrs.
Lets see if I have this right, the republican won three vote counts and the democrat won one, so your saying the democrat has won ?
I don't think it's over yet.
The Dems pulled 700 ballots out of the city of Seattle after the first vote was all counted and had them tossed into the mix.
Has any one noticed how much she wants to look like Hillary?
I sure wouldn't want to be in her shoes if she pulls this off when the next election comes along.
This type of underhanded bad sportsmanship that really seams to tick the voters off.
Thats all we need in this already screwed-up state :BLEEP: That bitch has cost this state more money than any other Attorney General in the states history...She wouldn't even stand behind her employees when they missed a deadline...She's alao one of the BIGGEST liers in the state...

How can one be behind any one else when they only look out for themselves and their small petty interests....
liberal courts ignore the law

The WA supreme court allowed 700 balots to be included in the recount that had never been counted. And, they only allowed that to happen in 1 county; you guessed it Democratic King County.

Everyone assumes that a hand recount is more accurate than a machine count, but it is not. So, if Rossi has won two counts and Gregoire just one they should have at least two more counts. But in this state the liberal judges legislate from the bench rather than follow the law. They will ignore the law and allow Gregoire to "win".

The good news is that she should have one in a landslide, they said. Liberalism is dying even in WA state.
liberal courts ignore the law

This is the only way they have been able to win much of any thing, by getting the judges to mandate from the bench instead of doing their jobs and following the letter of the law.
I for one am very glad the libs are losing every thing they have been able to steal thru the courts over the years.
This is the underhanded buisness they have been doing for years that needs to be destroyed before it pulls this country apart at the seems.
Caribou Gear

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