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Define a "Good Day Hunting" when you don't kill.

There all good days...however @neffa3 just gave me a craving for skittles which I haven't had in idk how many years...
Idk why I haven’t thought of skittles for hunting snacks. They’d take a while to get through the pack as you would try and eat them quietly.
A great backpack (sled packed or in tow) trek into wilderness.
Kicking feet up around fire, grouse, deer, or elk kebabs w/ backpack dinner.
Staring into the black sky flooded with stars.
Flask flash of gut warmth.
Wilderness silence from absolutely no noise to bugles and howls.

Solo or with friends.
1. Warm wall tent
2. Percolated coffee
3. Crisp morning
4. Elk still bugling in early rifle season.
5. A talented musician in camp and staying in my tent to listen because I don’t even wanna touch a guitar and ruin what he’s doing.
6. Mid day naps
7. Packing a rod and catching a few fish when the opportunity arises.

These are some things that have made good hunting days for me.
I went out this week in E. Oregon. Temp was 99,98,97. Not enjoyable for hunting and quite useless. Really didnt even want to shoot somehting in the heat. Still always a great time.

Perfect for me:

Snow and cold. Dont care about harvest.
Simply being away from the pressures of the modern world out in the middle of God’s creation. Just like fishing, don’t need to catch anything to have a good day fishing, don’t need to shoot my bow at all but soaking up the sounds and smells of nature refreshing my soul.
A good nights sleep
Waking up early
Cold, but not bitter cold
Sun or light snow, no rain, no wind
A good sunrise
Sometimes friends/family, sometimes alone
Seeing lots of game (especially things I’m NOT hunting for)
Hard hiking
Good food