

Seeeeeeet bucks guys......even you too Trent. :D Okay, here's a few contributions.....ALL archery bucks of course.

Some at the house...the small 4x4 on the far left is a Columbian Blacktail.


One not mounted:




Bambi- yeah I was young and dumb when I did that....The velvet was half on and half off...still kinda soft...archery buck ya know. Gramps thought I needed to preserve the horn somehow after I stipped what was left off...should've coated it with a clear flat enamel, but thought it would add a little color to those white azz horns. OOPS

OSOK- UT bucks;)....and everyone wants to hunt CO...are they crazy..:D

BOHNTR- Nice collection....archery bucks kick azz...bout time someone added a few..:)
snk... if you want it off use paint striper... it will come right off. When I was working in the "horn" busness we would get some really nice racks that had "vanish" on em (thats how the koreans pronounced it...) A little zip strip and a stiff bristle brush and it will come out pretty well.

Sweet deer even if you did jack light it before the season opened... ;)

Bohntr Great collection! Those are some fine bucks, to take them with a bow no less.

Whats the stroy on the monster wide one? Is that your's too?

Holy Shiznit... What a rare treat!!!!! Don't think I've seen much via the net of your since the ol' Magnum mulies site, days... :D Well, other than the big name trophy huntin mags anyways... ;)

Awesome collection, as I know I've mentioned before! I know what that wall signifies and it's a rarity indeed!!! :)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, flattery will go you no where...... :wank: :D I must admit though, that whitey of yours is always a pleasure to see. Definately no dink dog rat deer there! YOU DA MAN! hump

Bambi: (addressing you as "BS" just didn't seem right)

Wish I killed that super wide buck (polaroid pic). It's one I measured a while back (see how young I look). Believe it or not, it was killed in the low desert of CALIFORNIA next to the Colorado River! Scored over 200".

Here's a few more archery bucks I've partaken in:


Not a big buck.....but check out the storm sky in the background:


Hunting partners huge AZ typical:

Is it the alzheimers, or just the fact that your starting to sound like a woman! :eek:

, the demise there of...

Always repeating what you want to hear, and not remembering what was actually said... :D
My point exactly... Woman! :p :D

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program!

On with the posting already Dammit!!! :hump:
That archery blacktail even had a nice little cheater off his right side that you can see better in this pic- the mooolie deer in the bottom corner was a decent dink 3x but I'll need to take a better pic...the rest are just blackie dog deer...

Yep..rifle season in the NE corner near Alturas...back when a guy could actually draw a decent tag every once and awhile!

...we just let the lions eat em now :(
Hey now.....did somebody mention dink dog Blacktails? Now we're talking....definately one of my favorite deer to bowhunt. About the only thing Kalifornia is good for anymore. :) Here's a few Columbian Blacktail photos the BOHNTR crew has taken the last couple years. Hope you enjoy.

Got to brag on my hunting partner a bit. This is the new state record archery buck. Unbeleiveably it broke HIS old state record. Now he has #1 & #2. It grossed in the low 160's and netted 152 P&Y.


Here's his OLD record Blackie:


Other Partner's P&Y Blackie:


Not a monster, but made book and shared it with my son:


My best scoring blackie to I look young there. Getting old is sucks. :cool:

Wow! Lots of nice buck pictures here. OSOK, nice collection of mounts! Your taxidermist does good work.

Here's some stuff that didn't make the house, rafter bucks, whitetails and some muleys in the back.

WOW!!!! Now that's a collection of antler. Those G1's on that whitey are awesome. I like looking at "rafters" at homes like that. Keep'em coming.
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