Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

DeerChik's Scores


New member
Mar 18, 2002
I'll let her tell the story. I've been a little slow because she shot it last sunday night, but better late than never.
Way to go DChick. Let's hear the story and show your dad how to post a full size picture. ;)
I figured you fix it right away, but I am what they call a "prick" sometimes. :D

Fine looking deer there.
Well we went hunting on Sunday afternoon. We hadn't seen any deer untill close to dark and the one we saw was a doe, so we watched it in the field for 30 minutes or longer, then after we had watched her 2 fawns and 1 yearling came out, and their was a little pond in front of the tree stands and they played around in there for awhile, then a few minutes later the 7 pointer came out but it was so close to dark that it was hard to tell if it's horns were 15 inches apart, so after we watched it for a little bit longer we decided that we thought that he was big enough to shoot after I shot him the doe that we had also been watching came under our tree stand, daddy yelled at it trying to get it's attention so that we could get down fom the stand but it took a few times of him yelling for the doe to ever look up then when she finally did she jumped over a little ways then bent down and started feeding again, daddy got half way down the stand before she ever ran off. I shot him through the heart, but it was so dark that daddy had to go back the next morning and find it. There was no sign of blood that we could see that night I wasn't sure if I had shot it or not, but daddy went back the next morning and found it.

Deerchik :)
Moosie said:
WOW... Maybe it was All the BLING BLING that brought the deer in ? ;)

Kudos Deerchick !!!!!

HAHAHA lol Oscar :D

Thats what I was thinking :cool:

But...she doesn't always dress like that to go hunting :p
nice job deer chick wish my 14 yr old doughter would hunt with me she is the only one of my kids that wont hunt [damb she must be the swan's mans]she is just to prissy and wouldn't even think of getting up that early.

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