Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Deer - lets see em


Was able to harvest my first deer and first buck ever this year in SE Idaho on the second day of the season. Hunting public ground on a school day does not allow a guy to be too picky. Thankful to this guy for providing the awesome lean meat in my freezer! I'm still a noob on this site and it shows in my ability to post pics right side up. The gun pictured is my grandpas .22-250. I believe it is a bit light for deer but wanted to honor him in taking my first deer with it. The shot was 40 yds. The .22-250 will be my coyote gun from now on.


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Here's this years Montana deer,image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg. The first is my sons, next best friends and last is mine!
2016 Texas Whitetail. Shot him out in the front yard this morning. My wife and son watched the entire stalk from the upstairs window. Ranged the house from where he was standing when I shot him and it was 375 yards to the house. My biggest whitetail to date. Didn't know he had the kicker until I walked up to him.



Here's my double from the opening day of Illinois Firearm season. The doe walked into my stand and hung around for 20 minutes before I decided to shoot her. Waited awhile to let my nerves settle and the buck stepped out from behind some brush. He stopped at 35 yards and I put a slug in his chest. Both died right where they stood and were within 20 yard of each other. Not going to win any awards for my photography that's for certain, but I was rather happy to down a buck that actually had antlers.
My sons 2016 Wisconsin deer. He spent over 200 hours bow hunting for this buck and killed him the second day of rifle season with a gun. He said it almost felt like cheating but couldn't pass him up.gregs 2016 deer #4.jpggregs 2016 deer #2.jpg
Well, if the buck was within bow range it's all good to me. If it wasn't in bow range, it's rifle season and still all good to me.
2016 MT muley

With only one more day off to hunt this season, I couldn't quite pass this guy. Not huge, but the split brows sealed the deal.


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This year's CO RFW Buck. Back to public land next year, hopefully drawing 4th or 3rd season each year and switching to backpack hunts.
My friend's 2016 Wisconsin archery "Moose Buck"


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dang, some nice bucks out there! this has been a crazy year for big bucks. good job! here's a smaller 4x my 70yo dad scored on the opener in oct.
dads buck.jpg

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