Kenetrek Boots

Deer hunting with Randy....

Sounds like a heck of a good time, nothing like a boys first hunt with a crew to teach them how to cuss like a sailor. Fond memories....
What ever could I have been doing? :cool:

Ummmm, memory has you making the decision that we go north and examine that basin, with the idea if it held no deer we could cross it off the list of possibilities.

My memory could be clouded, as I was offering Timothy $20 if a buck was tagged before the end of shooting light.

I'll let you take it from there.
Oh yeah...

We split from Gerald and went into an area to check out. The roads were crap and the mud was brutal, and after seeing a Jeep come out of there with about 6 inches of mud caked on to it and getting a little way into it, we decided to cut our losses and get out of there. As we were driving out there was a group of guys around a UTV that we stopped to chat with. Of course they recognized Randy and the long conversation began. Then we hear a gun shot....then another...then 4 more. WTF??!! We drive up to see the mud caked Jeep with 4 guys standing behind it glassing up into a hill. Apparently all 6 shots missed the deer, as the guys were guessing the distance, anywhere from 300-500 yards. Not a rangefinder among them. Then we hear one guy say that he had his rifle on top of the Jeep earlier when they had driven off and it fell off. Nice.... So we drive away and stop at a crossing. Randy gets out to do an interview, and we still have some daylight, so we are talking about options. We had enough light to get down to the ridge by the river we were on the night before, or we could take this 2 track to the left and see whats there and if it sucks we can cross it off as a place to go in the future. We no sooner turn on to the road and Randy says he sees a buck. Me and Mike are like...bullshit.. Then Randy says he sees another one and a few does. We drive up a ways and low and behold, there's a nice little buck standing at the foot of a hill. As much as I thought I'd end up shooting a spike, I decided a branch antlered buck would be pretty cool...........
This is fun reading. I dig all the perspectives. The only thing missing is the fart smell wafting from the wall tent.
I packed out Gareth's doe and we headed back to camp. I was on KP duty tonight. I had a couple chunks of loin from my Breaks elk that were destined for the grill and some fixin's on the menu. On the way back to camp I got a text from John.