Caribou Gear

Deer hunting offer from the UK

Oh yeah, just how hard is it to drive a car on the wrong side of the road and get out of Heathrow into the countryside? :D

I only knocked off one side view mirror the last time I was there.:D Not just the other side but extremely narrow in a lot of places. opt for the extra insurance.

You will have a grand time, congrats.

I have promised my lovely better half a trip to Scotland sometime and would love to combine it with a MacNab. Or really just a red or fallow would do.
Sorry, i have little sympathy for any American driving in England, you all drive on the wrong side of the road in the USA!
Some of the roads in my country were only ever designed for horse and cart, and have never been widened.
I'm not scared of those narrow roads in the countryside. NERVOUS about driving in the city. Mainly from sitting on the right side of the car! Figure I would make a few laps in the parking lot to get the feel of it. I've watched a lot of Top Gear and have seen the traffic. Yikes! Been doing a bit of research with maps and such, pricing flights and rental cars, and looking around for a place to stay near Richard. Thinking I'll start a new thread for the trip from preparations through returning home. I'll keep my general questions on this one. I'm excited and nervous at the same time!
I'm not scared of those narrow roads in the countryside. NERVOUS about driving in the city. Mainly from sitting on the right side of the car! Figure I would make a few laps in the parking lot to get the feel of it. I've watched a lot of Top Gear and have seen the traffic. Yikes! Been doing a bit of research with maps and such, pricing flights and rental cars, and looking around for a place to stay near Richard. Thinking I'll start a new thread for the trip from preparations through returning home. I'll keep my general questions on this one. I'm excited and nervous at the same time!
Good idea, start a thread with questions, i will do my best to answer them and give advice.
You will master the driving, roundabouts can be fun though:D
It's a great time to come over, the exchange rate is in your favour at the moment.
I live between the city of Exeter and a town called Okehampton in the county of Devon, south west England.
We have some roundabouts here. I can handle them, but I do believe yours may be a bit more complicated! I can handle some honking horns. ;)
I looked at your Facebook link and saw the name of the town you listed. Found it! Seems fairly easy to get to. Once we get out in the open things should go just fine!
Well, after Dave's success i only thought it fair to offer next years hunt to Sawtooth, he has been in touch, no hopefully it will pan out next year for another Roe Buck and a donation to the BHA.


My wife, daughter and I will definitely be ready to join you next summer. I have been looking at Roebuck hunts on YouTube since Dave and his wife posted his great write up last month. Expect to get a pm from me in the next day or so as I have a few questions regarding travel locations in Southern England and what dates would work best.
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I'm no expert on things over there but I'll help with anything I can think of. First step, look for hotels or B&Bs that say they have air conditioning! Fans and open windows may work just fine until the damn seagulls start squawking at 1AM! Plus, the B&B we stayed at in Ireland had spiders crawling in the window when I opened it. They don't use screens on the windows over there. Bugs, birds, cats, you name it, they can all come right in.

You'll have fun. Seriously.
Well I just bought tickets for our trip and I can't wait for July 2017 to get here. I am sure I will be sending a few PM's to both Dave and Richard in the upcoming weeks/months as I was amazed at how quickly flights and B&B's are filling up in Dublin. We are planning to spend half our time in Ireland and half in West and Southwest England. If any of you world travellers have some must see locations in either country, a PM or post here would be most appreciated.
Looking forward to following along again! Really enjoyed following Dave and Richard's exploits and was a little bummed when it ended.

Me too!

Sawtooth, I'll get to the PM ASAP. Kind of busy at the moment to answer properly. I have some places we wish we could have gone as well as stayed longer at others. Let the planning begin!
I popped out this evening, sorry for the poor photo's, i saw 3 roe bucks and 1 doe, the buck that is lying down is about 50 yards from where DaveN shot his buck.
I know of a few other bucks around so things are looking promising....but a lot can happen between now and then!
The roe bucks will soon start to kick out the younger bucks, but confidence is high we will find one.
The buck in the spotting scope is a nice 6 pointer, you will have to take my word for it!

Sawtooth likes his fly fishing as well, hopefully we will catch a few like these, i popped out this morning, but it was freezing!

What i would really like is for Sawtooth to try his hand at night fly fishing for a Sea Trout...its awesome!


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Those bucks look great. Are they still in the velvet? Or have their horns hardened yet? With these pictures, July can't come soon enough. I am ready to tackle a few of those trout as well. Fresh or salt, night or day, I will be ready to give it a go.
I noticed that one of the pictures was taken through a spotting scope. Is this the new one you ordered a few weeks ago? If so, how are you liking it's performance? Is it helping you find those roebuck antlers from a distance?
Good luck on your hunt/trip.I'd love to get out there for a little hunting and fishing.Roe deer are such an interesting looking deer.Can't wait to hear how you do.If your looking for next year's hunter,me and my wife would love to come out and donate to BHA
Those bucks look great. Are they still in the velvet? Or have their horns hardened yet? With these pictures, July can't come soon enough. I am ready to tackle a few of those trout as well. Fresh or salt, night or day, I will be ready to give it a go.
They are mainly clean now.
We will fish in the river, the Sea Trout is our version of your steelhead, ours is a sea run brown trout., hard fighting fish!

I noticed that one of the pictures was taken through a spotting scope. Is this the new one you ordered a few weeks ago? If so, how are you liking it's performance? Is it helping you find those roebuck antlers from a distance?
Its the first spotting scope i have purchased, its taking a bit of getting used to, i think i should have purchased the straight instead of the angled version, but i am getting to really like it, saves time looking at a roe through the bino's.


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