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Deer hunting offer from the UK

This kind of stuff makes my heart happy.
Good on you Devon.
Best of luck on your forthcoming Montana adventure
Thanks chaps, all for a good cause and one of you will get to chase deer with me.
So a final bump, then i will draw a chap out of the hat tomorrow.
I have been through post's on the thread and pm's.

'Sawtooth' is the lucky guy, but it appears it is dependent on the time of year.

So here are the seasons in England, Scotland is different.
I only have access to Red,Fallow and Roe
Red stags - 1st Aug to 30th April
Red hinds - 1st Nov to 31st March
Sika stags - 1st Aug to 30th April
Sika hinds - 1st Nov to 31st March
Fallow bucks - 1st Aug to 30th April
Fallow does - 1st Nov to 31st March
Roe bucks - 1st April to 31st Oct
Roe does - 1st Nov to 31st March
Chinese water deer - 1st Nov to 31st March
Muntjac - All year

Sawtooth please get in touch asap, if you can't make it work i will offer it to the next guy.


Sadly Sawtooth can't make this year, so has kindly asked me to offer it someone who can make it this year.
So, who can make it?

Hint, if you are after a Roe buck then last week July/first week August they should be rutting.
If it's a Stag/Fallow buck that can be tricky, it's usually the first frost/cooler temp's that kicks off the rut, 2015 was so mild it took a long time to start and was very short, but October is usually pretty good, BUT, i will hopefully be in Montana in end of October!



I can make it. I'm on active duty with the US Air Force currently stationed in the UK and would love to hunt a Red Stag.

Devon, what a great offer and for your hunter/huntress to make a donation to such worthy causes! I hope the lucky person has a great adventure!
Oh my! :eek:That sure is a hell of a way to wake up in the morning! Wow, I don't usually get lucky, so this is a big surprise! First off, THANK YOU!!!!!! My wife and I talked about this being a possibility and both agreed that it would be a trip of a lifetime for us. We actually had planned previously to not take a "big" vacation trip this year but here we go! Guess I better start working lots more overtime to help pay for it! More gushing to follow, need to go to work...

Oh yeah, just how hard is it to drive a car on the wrong side of the road and get out of Heathrow into the countryside? :D

I hope you and your wife have a great trip!

Devon, your offer really was a nice gesture. I wish you the best of luck in montana this year.

The hunting community could use more guys like the ones on hunt talk.
Oh my! :eek:That sure is a hell of a way to wake up in the morning! Wow, I don't usually get lucky, so this is a big surprise! First off, THANK YOU!!!!!! My wife and I talked about this being a possibility and both agreed that it would be a trip of a lifetime for us. We actually had planned previously to not take a "big" vacation trip this year but here we go! Guess I better start working lots more overtime to help pay for it! More gushing to follow, need to go to work...

Oh yeah, just how hard is it to drive a car on the wrong side of the road and get out of Heathrow into the countryside? :D

Have a great trip and make sure to get a GPS, you will need it ! :)
I looked into going out there 2 years back,and there seems to be a lot of really cool things to go see as well as hunt,I would go check out the coast as well.And pay him to take you fishing!!I think he could get you into some great fishing.He offered a hunt to me years back for giving him some imfo.So being helpful instead of tightlipped has its bonuses.He seems like a top notch type guy,which is getting rare now days
Good luck on your trip.Cant wait to see the report about it all!!!!!!!CONGRATS
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