Deer Hunters - Opinion

The analogy to Tarp is most relevant in that we act like farmers should never fail these days and some farmers should definitely fail because they are terrible farmers or make multiple bad decisions (just like some financial institutions did stupid shit causing the bailout)! Should all businesses succeed? Are your investments guaranteed not to lose? Do you get to ignore contracts and agreements you sign? Cadillac crop insurance has made farming almost fail-proof. I'm not against the option to buy crop insurance, I just figure that when farmers who already get huge tax breaks and receive Govt subsidies are being told by their advisors they have to buy a new truck (when they are currently driving a 2 yr old truck), tractor, grain bin, etc this year to avoid paying taxes to the Federal Government, they should be covering 100% of their own insurance. That would free up some money to increase CRP payments. Start enforcing existing wetland drainage laws and that would free up the subsidies that those farmers receive; a hundred million here and there, coupled with some innovative partnerships and pretty soon you can afford a habitat program that pays a fair price. It would basically just be redistributing the money back to farmers anyway, only society would be getting something in return. BTW: Ranchers, who at least keep grass on the landscape, sure do get the short end of the stick compared to grain farmers huh?

I don't think you have a clear understanding of insurance. While I know I'm not going to get you off your rant, insurance doesn't prevent failures due to bad decisions (it didn't in TARP either). It tries to prevent massive failures (that often will affect us all) due to events outside the control of the insured. What you see below is the upside to commodities inflation and farm consolidation.

Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 2.09.12 PM.png
While I know I'm not going to get you off your rant, insurance doesn't prevent failures due to bad decisions (it didn't in TARP either). It tries to prevent massive failures (that often will affect us all) due to events outside the control of the insured.
Not ranting, just trying to put out some information that most people are unaware of. The Federal Crop Insurance program we largely pay for goes way beyond your trying to "prevent massive failures" scenario. The cadillac version basically removes all risk at the individual level even to the point of yield guarnatees. Because of this, I would argue that crop insurance does prevent failure from bad decisions. I don't believe they should use other people's money to pay for that. It's your right if you do...........
Not ranting, just trying to put out some information that most people are unaware of. The Federal Crop Insurance program we largely pay for goes way beyond your trying to "prevent massive failures" scenario. The cadillac version basically removes all risk at the individual level even to the point of yield guarnatees. Because of this, I would argue that crop insurance does prevent failure from bad decisions. I don't believe they should use other people's money to pay for that. It's your right if you do...........
I think you have oversimplied the entire program, which is run through private insurance companies. The flaws are well understood, but yes I’m ok with using public money to prevent massive farm failures in extreme situations. Not preventing that would hasten the decline of the family farm and increase the corporate farm. Be careful what wish for.
I think you have oversimplied the entire program, which is run through private insurance companies. The flaws are well understood, but yes I’m ok with using public money to prevent massive farm failures in extreme situations. Not preventing that would hasten the decline of the family farm and increase the corporate farm. Be careful what wish for.
What other business buys a policy to lock in there gross profit for the year? Serious question.
What other business buys a policy to lock in there gross profit for the year? Serious question.
Oil companies. They sell forward, but it doesn’t lock in profit. A lot of commodity producers can lock in some forward price. Insurance is different, and there is a premium. It’s not free to producers.

The crop insurance program needs some major adjustments. Insurer aren’t supposed to insure marginal land for corn at 220bbl/acre because it isn’t resonable. But they do it because the Government picks up the excess. It seems like every program has problems, but the intent is solid and it should be about adjusting not eliminating.
Back to OP's initial question.
Think the fish and game was pretty accurate with their arial surveys showing %30 decline for MD in western ND. It was real spotty though in my experiences, some areas seemed like the population was above normal when others not far away seemed like they were in the hurt bag. They got so much moisture out there all the deer that were seen were in phenomenal shape, I've never seen western ND so green so late into the year.
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