PEAX Equipment

Deer Carcass - Call it in? What have you seen and what would you do?


Active member
Feb 14, 2018
South Dakota
I just finished reading the post by @T Bone where hunters stole some meat ( Minutes apart from reading that, find a deer carcass on a section line bordering small subdivision where I live just outside of town. This seems to happen at some point during hunting season every year. I called this in the last two years but I wonder if it is even worth calling in. Maybe it is just a distraction to game fish and parks? Whoever shot this dumped the carcass minus rear quarters and straps. tired of this crap. It seems highly unlikely that GFP would ever catch the person who did this. Question is then, is it even worth calling this in? I would not even say 50% of the people where I live are hunters so it is just a bad look but I can't move it without cops or GFP just to dispose of it either. What would you do or have you come across something similar?

If you’re within city limits you could try calling the public works dept.

I have a buddy who’s had 2 deer get caught in his fence and die. Public works needed them to be in the street, but once he got them there they came and picked up the carcasses. He took down the fence after the second one.
My first thought is that I'd call it in just in the hope that the dumping would be recorded. I don't think any state has a good handle on how widespread this sort of thing is, and it doesn't seem like it would hurt to report it just to get a tiny fraction of a more accurate number.
yeah call it in.

they probably won't get to it and have little to nothing to go off. but it's good for them to have it in the system.

you never know if a warden some where a few miles off is talking to some guys who only have two hinds in the bed of the truck.
If you’re within city limits you could try calling the public works dept.

I have a buddy who’s had 2 deer get caught in his fence and die. Public works needed them to be in the street, but once he got them there they came and picked up the carcasses. He took down the fence after the second one.
Not within city limits.
yeah call it in.

they probably won't get to it and have little to nothing to go off. but it's good for them to have it in the system.

you never know if a warden some where a few miles off is talking to some guys who only have two hinds in the bed of the truck.
I should have specified that I had already called this in. I continue to do so, it just seems fruitless.
Call it in. Last year my neighbor told me he was awaken by gun shots in the middle of the night. The only information he could provide was time and direction he thought the shots were from his house. The next day I told our C.O. And about a month later they had a suspect in custody. Just like @TOGIE said, another warden was working a similar case. He ended up making a traffic stop and they got the guy for the shots in our neighborhood too. The guy turned out to be a methhead and was just pulling into field drives and shooting at deer as they’d run.
Call it in. Friend who is a CO in SD has told some absolutely wild stories about how they track down folks who break any number of laws. Might take some time, but they have some very creative ways (legal ways, nothing shady) of figuring stuff like this out.
We have a young fellow around here who skins, quarters, debones, then packs out the meat in a backpack.
He does leave the hide and bones, but the deer IS tagged before he touches it. Pretty sure he meets the letter of the law like that, and he makes it much easier to carry out than dragging would be.
Don't have a lot of experience with this because there isn't any public land within 70 miles of where I hunt, and we own all of the property we hunt. Having said that, if I found this on our place I would absolutely call it in.
yeah call it in.

they probably won't get to it and have little to nothing to go off. but it's good for them to have it in the system.

you never know if a warden some where a few miles off is talking to some guys who only have two hinds in the bed of the truck.
The deer in that photo appeared to be missing one hind quarter.
Seems most all I’ve seen have been processed by a Freightliner.

Quite a few years ago blue tongue had a run, it wasn’t a secret to DNR. A wolf kill gets even less interest from DNR.

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