Kenetrek Boots

Decking question


Active member
Sep 26, 2006
Kalispell/Helena, MT
Anyone see or use that "RESTORE" deck paint from Home Depot. It is kind of like line-ex bedliner for decks. It bonds to the wood and is thick and seemingly durable. My thoughts were, since my deck is older and kind of going to heck in a few spots, instead of tearing it all off and going with redwood or a synthetic, I thought I would replace the bad boards with the rotten spots and then just cover the whole thing with plywood, either regular or green treated, and then slather that restore all over the plywood. It wood make it waterproof below for the daylight basement, and maybe give me a few more years on the deck at a pretty cheap price.

They say at the Depot, that product is so new that they really don't know how well the product is going to stand up to the freezing and thawing here in MT.

Any thoughts on this product?
I've never dealt with the stuff, but I will say this. Most of the wood on decks have been treated with lots of oil based products. Make sure that this stuff will stick solidly to all of the decking, not just the spots that dried out.
Another paint type product that does well is called "Never Peel" It was developed in the Northwest and they use it to restore barns and wood sided houses. It almost is a rubbery type paint.
I'll second what SS said. Anything applied prior whether it is paint or stain will make other products hard to stick too.
i actually manage the paint dept at lowes and we sell the heck out of that product. it will stick to your deck very easily just make sure you pressure wash first. its got some acrylic in it so you want have to worry about the expansion and contraction of the product. any more questions please feel free to ask
I've replaced several decks for people in the Billings area that were rotted out due to plywood being on top of the decking. I'd third rethinking the plywood idea.
Think there is anything that I could put down over the decking before I use the restore, to make it solid, crack free and waterproof? I mean, even the deck boards are going to eventually rot out from under the restore I would think. I am just trying to buy myself a few years before I re-do the whole thing anyway.
I just used that product on a small trailer I tow with my atv. It seems to be very durable, have hauled rocks and bricks in it and so far it has help up well. I also was thinking about using it on my older deck.
Idk on that product. But I wouldn't put the plywood on top Judy to cover up old decking. I would either just spend a few more dollars and replace all the boards stain it if you want and it will be a lot cheaper in the long run. The ply against the board is going to get wrt and rot in no time. Then you'll have
The same problem if not more with the joists. IMO. Check joists and replace what boards you need to and strip it and stain it all.
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