Decisions, Decisions

are there bigger sheep in the unit, if so id be waiting,,,,
ive only been on 1 sheep hunt, but looked at lots of sheep, after the trigger was pulled, it was kind of a let down not "hunting" sheep everyday,,,
we spent about 40 days scouting and only 4 days hunting, i hope to do it again someday,

have fun with the hunting
Looks like a great time. Looking forward to the story unfolding.
Didn't look close enough but I'd be trying to count rings and go for the older ram. That being said my 6 yr old Wyoming ram made book so whatever, lol.
Those dark caped rams make beautiful mounts though.

Good luck !!
I'm guessing you've been busy packing since your last post was yesterday morning. Must have been a great day to have killed a ram.
My personal taste would also be #4, I prefer a ram with a little brooming. Best of luck, can't wait to see what you turn up.
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